Monday Mimisms ~ Southern Hospitality

Knock knock
Let me open the door for you...
Ah! It's so good to see you. Welcome, my friend!
Come into the house
Sit right down and make yourself comfortable
Would you like a fire while you wait?
Can I get you anything?

Make yourself comfortable while I rock the
baby to sleep...shhhh...
Can I get you anything?

I'll just be a minute in the kitchen

Make yourself comfortable while I rock the
baby to sleep...shhhh...

I'll just turn off the television for awhile so we can chat
Do sit down. Let's have some coffee.

Join us for BlogBlast For Peace Nov 4
Whose house?
Is that a doll's house Mimi?
So sweet,xxSpeedy's mum
Mark - It must have belonged to some short little Barbie many moons ago. Not a clue. I found it in an antique store.
Akelamalu - Yes. Do you see my big hand moving the television set? I love dollhouses.
Speedy - It's so cute! I had fun rearranging the furniture.
Do you take sugar with your coffee?
I've always been fascinated by miniatures like that. I think that could be a fun hobby when I retire.
See also
How much do I love the old school TV and the "mid century modern" furniture! Great photos, Your Highness.
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