Monday Mimisms ~ The House That Breathes

No. I'm not telling you everything. Some of you just might be on that list.
Come with me! Let's look around.
It has a Blue Room just like the White House.
And a black and white checkered floor to match the cornice board
and treasures
Why didn't I come home with this lamp? What was I thinking??!
I found big trees

and little trees
red trees where trees ought to be
and villagers
in pudding cups
Stairs for climbing
Dolls in green rooms
naughty and nice
cruets and polka dots
and light from windows of branches and trees
spilling into a house that breathes

light on wood
where light ought to be
red red chairs and carrot-nose stares
and Santa, oh Santa, he was there
sitting high on a shelf
with his trusty elves
(even if they are on the plastic side)
But the room I love most isn't a room at all. It's not the biggest or the brightest. It doesn't have a tree or a chandelier. In a corner overlooking elm trees way up in the top of the top of the house, it sits just so.

Not much room and too many mirrors.
Hats on the walls and stained glass church without Jesus.
A tiny corner room overlooking the street. Secrets. Promises. Inspiration.
The muse lives here.... I do believe.
It is the infamous Closet of Hats where I once met a mysterious lady.
who blogged a lot
Wow, gorgeous images!
I would so love to spend a few hours in that shop. x
Oh, Mimi, this is lovely. I especially liked the pudding cups!
Thank you, Travis. Very kind of you.
Charles - I know you love those old houses.
Akelamalu - We could do some serious damage.
Gal - They were so cute!
See, this is what you should do for a living...own a store like this
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