Monday Mimisms ~ Tucson: This Is Not A Time For Hate
I am saddened that political potshots flew before even a half-mast of respect could be flown from our great nation's Capitol. And irregardless of the obvious fact that one insane young person is the responsible party for a premeditated assassination attempt and massacre, that did not stop the hateful rhetoric. No, I do not think the term "crosshairs" should have been part of the Palin political machine; neither do I believe that it is appropriate to debate gun control today, the school's alleged negligence of a troubled young man, immigration statuses of heroes who ran toward gunfire or whether or not we need to suddenly arm all members of Congress before we bury our dead and tend to the wounded of body and spirit.
Do you think for once we might fall on our knees in a moment of silence and respect before we open our mouths?
A little girl lost her life just standing in line waiting to talk to her Congresswoman. Maybe she was the light the world needed. A man fell on the body of his wife of 50 years and died protecting the love of his life. He was the light she needed. Two fine elderly ladies will not spend another holiday with their families who most surely are wondering why this happened to their mothers and grandmothers. A brilliant and kind Federal Judge in the prime of his wisdom was full of some of that sacred light. Several other injured who put into action their democratic duty that day just showing up to talk to an elected representative are paying for that freedom by fighting for their lives in a hospital surrounded by frightened and angry families. A 30-year-old community organizer and aide described as a good person had more fresh light to bring and more life to enjoy with his fiancee who effectually became a widow before she had a chance to be his bride. Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford, whom I had little knowledge of before this I'm sad to say, most certainly deserves to have her life's work continue. But no life was more valuable than any other. All had gifts to bring. All deserve nothing less than our compassion and respect at a time like this. None deserve to be used as pawns in a word game of agendas as their families lay them to rest and pray for their recoveries.
What has happened to common decency and respect for human suffering?
Civility is needed, hateful rhetoric must stop and disgraceful discourse at a time like this not only incites more violence, it also lowers the scale of hope and carries all of us down a road of many more impromptu makeshift memorials. I am so tired of seeing candlelight vigils and tears in my country.
All because one person chose violence.
God help us.
Good evening, Mimi...
I know... the entire event just saddens me so. I agree about the Palin use of 'crosshairs' in the advertising for seats to try to win.... I can see how maybe she didn't mean for one to take it so literally, but we have idiots all over the place today.
I've listened to so much mean rhetoric from both sides over the past couple of years... I am amazed that one side just can't debate what they perceive to be wrong with the 'other' position, but they also have to personally attack the messenger... BOTH sides do this...
I'm not sure where society became SO mean...
PS: Re: The Palin ad, I can't believe that someone somewhere within her organization didn't say, 'we need to re-think this approach...
A terrible tragedy. :(
Yes, so many people wast no time on feeling sympathy and empathy when they can launch a political attack.
Beautifully said, is all very sad.
We touched on the same today...all the rhetoric must stop....
Red - Mean has become the norm. And really. What were they thinking?
Akelamalu - Unspeakable.
Charles - Empathy and sympathy should have been first on the list. My point exactly.
Sherry - I don't think I've even seen newscasters shaken to tears like this since 9/11.
Vinny - I shall read, Sir. And I'll try to remember your radio show tonight!!
Well said! I am so sad that everyone want to blame someone for their actions these days. It's really sad how much our political parties spew hate at each other.
Many things have bothered me about the coverage of Sunday's shootings. Two in particular really made me angry.
The first was the premature announcement that Ms Giffords had been killed. There is no excuse for that kind of irresponsible reporting. It isn't important who is first with the news. It is important to be accurate.
The second was how quickly the shooter was called "deranged" by the media, even before there were any confirmed details about a suspect. And of course that was followed up by "experts" who felt they could diagnose the suspect from his writings without even speaking with him.
That's why I did not watch any further coverage, and why I have been careful about what I'm finding to read about the event. It's traumatic and tragic doesn't need to be sensationalized as well. We just need the facts.
Sweet Praline - The hate just has to stop.
Travis - And the facts are so horrible. I was also dismayed at the announcement she had been killed....her poor family!
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