Monday Mimisms ~ I Need A Lumberjack. And Fast.
Happy Monday!
I just looked out the window. It is dreaaaarrrry with a capital D. No leaves on the trees. Brown grass on the ground. Mutilated baby leaves strewn about. I can now peek through the woodsy wilderness to see large downed trees and logs lying on the ground leaving empty spaces and holes in the architecture of walled bark I called My Bloggingham. Depressing. Who is going to remove all those ice-ravaged trees? A man with an axe to grind would be a welcome sight about now.
A balmy 15 degrees greeted me this morning when my tender Queen feet hit the bedroom floor.
I am sick of cold weather. SICK of it.
Much to my delight, we are expecting yet another snowstorm in the next 24 hours.
Let me clarify what a snowstorm means in the South.
Snow + storm = Disaster
Snow + storm = 0 food in the grocery store
It doesn't even have to be a storm. If we hear S-N-O-W we think it means storm.
I hear the jabs.
Why do Southerners rush out to buy milk and bread anyway? When the power goes out in an ice storm the milk goes bad. Seems to me that non-dairy Cheetos would be a better choice.
I intend to wrap myself up like the snow bunny I am and sit this one out.
I'll be wearing my black hat.
Smirk if you must.
Smirk if you must.
I have a flannel shirt ( your fav ) and a big axe.
**Queen is blushing underneath the hat**
What color is the flannel.....???
I sent you a pitchah
Here's a tip... put your milk outside in the snow if your power goes out... lol
not smirking.. nope. not.
Speedy - And I responded. I may have to change my opinion on flannels.
Dawn - You are so smirking!! I saw that. **milk** snow** got it.
Don't you like my hat? I got it in my favorite antique store ya know..
We can't cope with snow here either Mimi. :(
I hope you don't get it bad over there because whatever you get we inevitably get 6 weeks later! :(
Sometimes it's so hot in our house these days I have to step on the back porch just to get a breath.
Time to move south! LOL
Time for some hot chocolate! :-)
Akelamalu - I will try to use southern voodoo to stop it. I don't know what southern voodoo is but I think I can cook some up. Might as well learn how to cook something of use.
Charles - Too much wood on the stove?
Ferd - You can say that again.
Do I look as if I'm smirking? Don't answer that!
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