And Then There Was Dessert ~ A Blogger Meet Up!
Last night I had the privilege again of meeting two of my very favorite people for the third time since we became blogging buds. Ferd and Gail met me at an undisclosed

My foot waited patiently while the infamous bloggers drove through storm and rain in the dark of night amid terrible lightning and thunder.
(actually I went to the ladies room 12 times and checked my makeup while tapping my foot. Can you feel the drama? )
WHO would keep a Queen waiting?

Soon it was hugs and smile time with non-stop catching up to do.
We toasted Gail's new blog, blossoming and continuing friendships...hiccup...and a few other things that got lost in my fuzzy
But it was good. Of that I'm sure.
I'd like to thank them for a wonderful evening of live music and fabulous cuisine. Black Pepper Grilled Salmon with honey- lime butter sauce, crème fraîche mashed potatoes and French green beans
(alas, I opted not to bring the camera in) I know. You can't believe that, can you?
Neither could they.
Neither could they.
and for dessert the Profiteroles seen above with vanilla ice cream and
lots of hot chocolate sauce - sooooo yummy
I apologize for the quality of my cellphone pictures (they're truly awful) but it's all I have!
It was raining but the ambiance was cozy and warm inside. You get the picture. Don't you? Please tell me you do or just lie cause I don't think they'll let me just wander around in there and snap photos should I return with a blogging camera.
Princess Gail looked ADORABLE in a put-together stylish kind of savvy chic all her own and the handsome Ferd was ever the gentleman throughout and perfect host.
We talked blogging and more blogging, kids, photography, our careers, houses, music, family, dating rules, rule breakers, deal breakers, piano lessons (yes Gail!) birdwatching, traveling, new beginnings, romance in my life (Gail had sage advice for me let-me-tell- you the woman should write a book), marriage in theirs (ahh...they are so sweet together) and even some of you were discussed. Were your ears burning? They should have been..but only in the kindest of ways.
It was a wonderful night and I absolutely loved the relaxing atmosphere. Eclectic and modern ~
Elegant ~ perfect!
And then it was time to say goodnight and de

Such a great evening! I so enjoyed it.
What sweet things blogging has brought to my life.
That looks decadent enough for a queen.
Charles - Perfect word. It was truly delicious.
This is wonderful!
And a good time was had by all. That's what I like to hear :)
Dessert looks scrumptious!
Knowing first hand that blogging buddy meet-ups can be a whole lot of fun and good time to be fondly remembered I can certainly appreciate this post - and not just for the delicious dessert pictures!
So far I've only met a couple of blogging buddies. Hope to meet several more in the future. It does make this big world seem a bit smaller doesn't it?
You could probably have a planet-wide convention for all of your blogging buddies. You would probably need to hire the Superdome or Shea Stadium for them all!
Yum! Profiteroles! With chocolate cream! I'll have a round dozen :)
It must be so great to meet up with other bloggers!
Wish I had been there. I'd love to be at a blog meet-up.
I'm so glad you didn't fall down. The tension built for me during the entire post. I gotta tell ya, I was worried.
But you stayed on your feet, even walking down those treacherous stairs.
What a happy post! Good to hear that everything -- from the ambience to the dessert to your footing -- was exactly the way it should be.
Dawn - It was wonderful! Wish you could have been there.
Linda - Perhaps we'll get together again this fall. I hope so. Indeed. Fond memories.
Jeff - Totally.
Bazza- Ha! You would be first on my list!
Cogitator - I wish I had one right now. Looonnggg day...
Akelamalu - I have only met you via your suitcase but it was lovely in there.
Jean-Luc - I wish you had been too! I'd love to meet you!
Travis - Miracles still happen.
Gal - Thank you! Well...I left out a few things but that's (wink) to be continued.
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