Do not adjust your set. This is not a blog post.
I should be writing a blog post right now. But I promised myself I'd get to bed at a decent hour this week. I've failed twice already and it's only Thursday! My professional and personal life has taken a turn for the mega busy of late. And that's a good thing. There just aren't enough hours in the day to dance all the dances.
My brain is too tired to be funny or clever or philosophical or pencil skirty (well, I'm never too tired for that) so really, I should just not write a blog post about not writing a blog post and call it a day. Trouble is, when I start writing I can't stop the jibber jabber on the page. It's a curse!
Same off the page. I walk around like an Italian mafia wife flinging my hands and gesturing high and low like I'm conducting myself. I really should hire someone to kiss me and shut me up occasionally. That's such a lovely way to be muzzled. Where IS that parking lot kisser when I need him?
Cause a Queen should not walk around with dark circles under her eyes and droopy eyelids and .....things.
Yesterday I was so tired that I fell asleep ( in the chair while getting my hair trimmed. I woke up with layered curls and mousse dripping on my handbag before I could say forty winks, which I sorely need right now cause I am a walking poster child for
Everybody at work knows not to speak to me before 8:30 am but still.....I need to represent my crown a bit better than I've been doing.
A girl could stumble on a kisser if she's watching her curls and beauty sleep ya know.
So, if you don't mind I won't write one solitary word on this page tonight. I mean, really! Why should I? It's juuuusst a bloooogggg. Right?

Goodnight Mary Ellen.
Sleep well :)
Tha't funny Dawn. Lately I've been seeing that comercial (can't remember right now what the ad is selling -- like Mimi my brain is fried) about the Walton's saying goodnight. Goodnight John Boy, goodnight Mary Ellen, goodnight grandpa, etc. I going to bed, too. So, "Say goodnight Gracie." Goodnight Gracie. Cheers Mimi!!
Sheesh...this week I want to stay up until midnight so I can watch the Olympics. But wouldn't you know it? I've entered the too-exhausted-to-stay-awake phase of my insomnia.
I'm glad you are getting your rest...wouldn't want to stumble over a kisser or anything....
Good night, Mimi! I hope you sleep better than I. I went to bed at 12:00 midnight & got up at 2:30 a.m. because I couldn't sleep. (YAWN)
Not sure of the time difference between where you are and where I am, so you could be still asleep or awake. Anyhoo I hope you catch up on your beauty sleep, not that you need beauty sleep m'deario. x
Glad you did not take the time to write and just went to sleep
Pssst! Your Majesty! Either you were blogging in your sleep again or someone broke into Bloggingham and did a post while you were catching another forty winks. Check the locks on the dungeon, it could be one of the bloggers you have locked up down there - they've been known to participate in breaking and blogging from time to time.
I know I can fixate on little details in your posts but ... I complete love the idea of hiring someone to kiss you and shut you up! What would that ad look like? And would you run it in the personals or "help wanted's?"
Dawn - I did sleep well. Thank you.
Bobby ala Mimi - Cheers and have a great weekend.
Travis - That is not a good phase to be in at all. Get some sleep.
Kat - That would be awful!!
Nick! - Two hours sleep? Tsk Tsk! I hope you slept today and Alex didn't keep you from resting. That silly cat.
Akelamalu - How sweet of you to say. I needed to hear that today, my friend.
Bond - I am a contradiction in terms. For sure.
Linda - What is breaking and blogging? A new blog dance? A new blogging phrase? Have you invented a new blog genre? You know you're responsible for creating the dungeon!
I'd better go check the locks.
Gal - Both! And I would hire you to write it for me.
Get started! I need a kisser-shutter-upper. Fast.
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