The Queen's Meme #14 ~ Do You Believe In Magic?
Always fun!
Step out of the box. Be creative.
Step out of the box. Be creative.
Use your imagination.
No one's answers are quite like yours.
This meme is calledDo you believe in magic?
No one's answers are quite like yours.
This meme is calledDo you believe in magic?
It's all about those things we can't explain, things that go bump in the night, and other freaktacular occurrences. In this crazy world of ours, what's normal anyway??! We'll even talk about sparks of a pleasurable kind....if you dare. And since I'm in a daring mood, let's get started. Good luck. And please, try to stay out of the dungeon this week.
It's getting cold down there this time of year.
1. Tell us about your superstitions. Do you have any? Do you "x out" black cats on the windshield of your car, avoid cracks in the sidewalk or practice other rituals that make you feel safer?Don't have any? Come on now! Make up some....
It's getting cold down there this time of year.
1. Tell us about your superstitions. Do you have any? Do you "x out" black cats on the windshield of your car, avoid cracks in the sidewalk or practice other rituals that make you feel safer?Don't have any? Come on now! Make up some....
Are you kidding? Black cats x ME out.2. Has anything paranormal ever happened to you that you can write about?
Nothing NORMAL has ever happened to me. Paranormal would be a break from reality.

Nothing NORMAL has ever happened to me. Paranormal would be a break from reality.
3. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
Care to share?
Actually, yes I have. But that is a blog post for another day. Another life. Another Hereafter.

4. Pheromones...aka "love fireworks" (I think I remember those)...are a force to be reckoned with. Do you believe that two people can have an uncontrollable chemical reaction to each other? How do you know this to be true?

4. Pheromones...aka "love fireworks" (I think I remember those)...are a force to be reckoned with. Do you believe that two people can have an uncontrollable chemical reaction to each other? How do you know this to be true? didn't say what KIND of uncontrollable reaction. I believe that people who can't control their actions end up uncontrollably reacting to the actions brought about by the uncontrollable actions of others. Oh! You mean chemistry of the hugging and kissing kind? Pffffft! Did I ever tell you about post-divorce boyfriend #2? It's all a blur.
But a very nice blur.

5. Do you believe that modern day witches can put spells on people?
I wish I could find a modern day wench to teach Baby Boy to spell.
Now that would be a trick.
But seriously, there are witches and then there are witches. Both scare the bejeebus out of me whichever way you look at it.
If so, who would you like to hoodoo and why?
Which reminds me.....
6. ESP! What do those letters stand for in your life?'s coming to me in a vision.
Shh....I saw it just this morning.
Empty Soup Pantry.
I need to buy groceries.
7. Do you ever hear strange noises in your house?
Need I remind you I have a dungeon? I'm having soundproof walls put in next weekend. I am so sick of the sound of mutiny.
I've let people run amok for far too long.
Wanna borrow my hat?
Wanna borrow my hat?

8. Tell us about a time you "knew" something was going to happen before it did. Are you one of those intuitive types or do you know someone who is ? Do tell.
I always know when to GO when the green light changes. How do I know? There's this little thing called a Yellow caution light. I know. I'm amazing.

9. I'm a tad gifted in the dream department. Really. Sometimes my dreams are prophetic and come true. It can be a blessing and a curse. Has this ever happened to you? If not, would you like to have this gift? (Be careful what you wish for. It can be freaky at times.)
I had a recurring dream about a recurring dream. (!) I'm assuming this tragedy is going to happen twice. I told you it was freaky.....
**Note** When I wrote this meme yesterday I fully intended to answer it seriously. But I'm so tired tonight that spoofing came out instead. Sorry! I promise to tell you later about near-death, ghosts in Bloggingham, and the dreams that came true and a few I hope don't come true. But I will leave you with a paranormal occurrence. For real. This photo is straight out of my camera. It was taken outside my dad's Hospice room a few days before he passed away. It was a beautiful night - very late - and I was trying to photograph the moon. Look what we have here. Unbelievable.
a very nice blur....
ahhh... I remember a blur like that!
I like your ESP :)
Dawn - Some blurs are better than others...
There is something to that picture....
can't wait to read the "serious" answers, but these were fun, too!!
a fun blur, I bet was totally worth it...
silly works...I went the same route...almost wrote the same "normal" that psychic? paranormal? abnormal? all of the above?
That is not a blur. Those have to be spirits surrounding you. I have those same spirits! Amazing...LOL
Lol. Empty soup pantry. Good un.
very cool photo... we call them snow sylphs, always have ;) happens alot in the north when it's cold outside and the moisture in the air catches the glimpse of the moon. but I have always known it as snow sylphs, and like to think there are majiks afoot :)
can't wait to hear the real stories :)
Love the photo ...even seeing it for a second time...
good questions, but I have a superstition about doing memes...
Great answers, true about the traffic light!
I love everything you do - serious or not
Mielikki - I see orbs. What do YOU see?
Yes, the blur was totally worth it.
Coopernicus - I shall be by. I like silly.
Pam - Yes. Of course. Are you and I the only ones here who believe in orbs?
Charles - Thank you. It was true!
Xmichra - "majiks" interesting word. I know they were not moisture drops from the moon's light. I was outside a house where hundreds of people had passed away. They are orbs I tell ya! Orbs!
Vinny - You have a superstition about doing memes.
I should have known. lol...
Jean-Luc - I am nothing if not practical.
Vodka Mom - SMOOCH!!!!
I'm sure the serious answers would have been good too, but these hit my funny bone just right.
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