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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

From The Great Book of Starr Ann

What do peace blogger say? Hear their cry. One voice at a time.

"As for my own thoughts on Peace this day? I'm trying to reconcile the hope in my heart over President Obama's election with my despair over the plight of those who won't make it to see whether he lives up to our incredibly high expectations - new refugees in the Congo who aren't going to make it, American troops who are yet to be killed, all the species that aren't going to make it - the list could go on far longer than we have time for here.

Starr Ann and I will keep reminding ourselves of the Osiris myth - the one where the main goal in life is to make it through with a light heart - and in that spirit, we'll allow our souls to soak up the peace while scanning the horizon for ways to spread the joy around."

So sayeth Margo Moon at The Starr Ann Chronicles from peace globe #1352
What will YOU say?
Join us !
9 days and counting....
November 5, 2009
The Peace Globe Gallery

**Thank you for the continued prayers and support for my dad.**


The Gal Herself said...

Go, Queen, Go! So glad to see you immersed in the movement you started! And thank you for the personal email from the other day. I have been feeling a little sucky myself and I was glad I was able to be helpful.

Keep up the momentum, Your Highness. We take our lead from our Queen, you know.

Margo Moon said...

Missed this when you put it up, Mimi. I've been kinda out of the blogiverse for a while. Working on my blog for this year, and hoping 2009 sees the most powerful BlogBlast ever.

We've been traveling parallel paths of late, as I said goodbye to my mom last Wednesday evening after her long illness.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

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