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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Queen's Meme No. 2 ~ I've Lost My Noodles

Mission Impossible Meme

In honor of the 40th anniversary of the Moon Landing.

This meme is all about using your imagination. Free your inner blogginess. Step outside the proverbial blox (that's blog + box for all you non-blog speakers). Answer these ridiculous situational questions and post them on your own blog. Here's the situation for today. We won't tell a soul. And remember:
Don't end up in the dungeon.

1. You are a guest on the space shuttle. You just arrived on the moon and realize you forgot something back home that you can't live without. What is it and how do you convince them to go back and fetch it?
How can I possibly function without my pink gravity-defying pencil skirt and hat? I had them specially made.
How would I convince them? Since I'm not wearing any clothes it shouldn't be too difficult.
2. Pretend you are a teacher in a rough public school for one day. You have been assigned to teach Manners 101. You have the "challenging bad butt kids" class (remember this is a pretend school and anyway I can't say ass on my blog 'cause it's so unQueenly and I might get fined or something). They are jumping up and down, cursing, and throwing things at you.
What is the first thing you would write on the board?

"I can't say ass on my blog so sit yours down."

3. Someone in your family or a friend has started a blog. They think it is anonymous but you have figured it out. They are saying derogatory things about you. Do you tell them or do you read it for awhile? How would you handle it?

Just because I went to the moon naked and wrote profanity on the board is no reason to start a blog rumor. If ya wanna do that, I have much better fodder. I always say if you're gonna do something, do it right. And besides, the Queen has her ways. Haven't you noticed there are 9 people in the dungeon and the day is yet young...They don't call me Mimi Queen of Means for nothing.

4. If you had one dollar left in your pocket, what would you spend it on?
An old Lost In Space video on clearance sale. I need directions in the worst way.

5. President Obama and the First Lady are coming over for dinner. What do you serve?

Serve? As in cook? I'd start with a nice salmon appetizer, white wine chilled to perfection and homemade Chicken Cordon Bleu. Followed by flaming sorbet chocolate mousse thingy that I can't even spell much less cook but it sounds like something a Democrat would eat I really don't know what a Democrat or a Republican would eat but it sounded good . After being arrested for unintentionally poisoning the president of the United States, I'd call it a day. A really bad day.

True story: Tonight while finishing the meme at the Queen's site, I burned to a crisp a pan of noodles just waiting for the marinara. Memeing is ruining my health. And I'm hungry.....
You walk in on your lover. They are trying on your clothes. What do you do?

This is no time for a discussion. I would stand and stare. Close the door. Walk away. Reactivate my dating profile. Get my clothes back and send his naked self out the door. In that order.

And he'd better not steal my jewelry!

7. Every astronaut must have shots! Choose your vaccination: You only get one and you can't enjoy any of the attributes of the other choices. You choose either: (1) The fountain of eternal youth and sexual vigor but only for 10 years (2) perfect health for a lifetime (3) eternal mind-numbing nirvana and peace of mind (4) unlimited hedonism for one year with no negative consequences.

Let me get this straight. I can have peace of mind but no sex, eternal youth and no health, nirvana but no hedonistic pleasure and fountains of vigor that I have to pay the price for?

Just shoot me.

Where's Kimber when I need her?

Yesterday's post: The Mysterious Lady In The Closet of Hats


Akelamalu said...

Of course, as always, your answers are the wittiest! I'll do the meme gladly but it will be posted tomorrow - I hope that earns me a reprieve from the dungeon? :)

Allie said...

Aw man your answers are hilarious!

Charles Gramlich said...

Hum, Lost in Space sure seems to be showing up a lot in my life lately. a pink pencil gravity defying skirt? What will they think of next?

Kimber said...

Naked in space...sounds like the latest porn. You could tie in the Lost in Space video and call it...Naked & Lost In Space. That or Moon Rises.

Funny answers!

Mojo said...

Sorry Majesty, you'll have to be more convincing to turn the shuttle around. Actually, if you went to the moon in The Queen's New Clothes, you might have to do some pretty good negotiating to get them to come back at all. I mean talk abotu being stuck in the Queen Mother of all elevators!

Personally I'd sweet talk the nurse into all of the above vaccinations. Failing that I'd hit her in the head and steal them. After all I'm going to the moon with a naked pencil skirt! Desperate times call for... well, you know.

But... umm... maybe I should point out that on the moon you really don't need an anti-gravity skirt. The gravity there is only 1/6 of earth gravity. Meaning your already marvelous... pencil skirt... has six times the life in it as it does here.

I'm sorry, what was the question?

Mimi Lenox said...

Akelamalu - You are free from the dungeon thus far. I thought the questions were a bit tough this week (the person who wrote 'em needs to go in the dungeon) but we'll try to do better next time.
Thanks for stopping by.

Mimi Lenox said...

Alli - Thanks! Glad you enjoyed..

Mimi Lenox said...

Charles - I had it specially made! Didn't you love Lost in Space back in the day? It was one of my favorite shows.

Mimi Lenox said...

Kimber - Eureka!

Mimi Lenox said...

Mojo - Now you know why I failed science in 7th grade.

Anonymous said...

Mimi how the heck do you burn a pan of noddles? Are you sure you're up to cooking for the first family??

Mimi Lenox said...

Amanda - I am famous for leaving things on the stove unattended. I get preoccupied. I really need to stop multi-tasking.

Anonymous said...

Oh "Your Hineyness" You didn't wear your pink gravity-defying pencil skirt and hat on the outside of your space suit? Ooops...oh how could I you are naked? Me shutters at the thought. Oh "Your Meanliness" I think that naked body is just well *me whistles. Where is the Palace Cook when ya need him, dressed in chaps and a vest. He would never burn the noodles...tsk tsk. You wouldn't send him, "Your Meanliness" with a zirconia tiara at least? Have a splendid day :)

The Gal Herself said...

Why wouldn't you go back for Homer? I think that watching those ears in zero gravity would be great.

My answers are up, Your Majesty.

Anonymous said...

The Queen has 2 awards waiting for her.

Kitten said...

Just a question, Mimi: Have you ever burned cereal? You seem like the type who would do so...

And that pencil skirt spacesuit is to DIE for, BTW.

Mimi Lenox said...

Thom - Did you have too much caffeing this morning?

Mimi Lenox said...

Gal - Because somebody has to stand guard at the castle. DUHHH!!!

Mimi Lenox said...

Mejis - Yippee! Awards! I humbly thank you.

Mimi Lenox said...

Kitten - No, I've never burned cereal but give me time.

j said...

Excellent answer for #4 - I dig thriftiness!

Lady Jo said...

wait, was that the last Lost in Space Video on the clearance rack? Can I trade with you - that for my refillable soda? I would rater be thirsty and entertained than not thirsty and not entertained.

Mimi Lenox said...

Jennifer - You were hysterical today!

Mimi Lenox said...

Mama - You may trade if you wish...good point!

Lady Sinistral said...

Queen: I gave you an award!

Dawn Drover said...

Just shoot me?

Be careful what you wish for Majesty.
We don't want a repeat of last week's fiasco now do we?

Autumn said...

Whew! That monarch's gettin' feisty!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

OK, let me get this are naked and asking to be taken back to earth to get clothes...

and you think they will say yes?


Mimi Lenox said...

Duchess - Why, thank you!

Mimi Lenox said...

Dawn - She is still locked up so I think we're all don't see her up on the tower do you?

Mimi Lenox said...

Autumn - I have to be. They're getting so unruly! And sassy too....

Mimi Lenox said...

Vinny - I was planning to use my female power of persuasion and distraction. Shh! You just ruined my coup!

Mimi Lenox said...

Vinny - I was planning to use my female power of persuasion and distraction. Shh! You just ruined my coup!

Nessa said...

LOL, love your answers. Especially the reactivating the dating profile comment. That'll learn him.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

I think this was created with a female pespective ... but if a woman was trying on my clothes, I would hope it was not the underware with skid marks.

he heeeee

Mimi Lenox said...

Nessa - A girl always needs Plan B.

Mimi Lenox said...

Eric - Only you..

Unknown said...

I would hold that lover to the fire over the clothes thing. There's a story in that.

Mimi Lenox said...

Ricardo - It has never happened to me personally, but I imagine the scenario would be quite interesting indeed! The responses we got today were fascinating.

Ordinarily Just Me said...

I think that we will have to do better with this! A gravity defying skirt indeed! and why Pink. Pink should be banned. I would not have allowed you to go back to get it. But that's just me...:0)

Mimi Lenox said...

Me - Oh no. Pink is a priss color. It cannot be banned. Haven't you been reading my blog lately?

Berleen said...

I'm up... I should have been more awake.

Berleen said...

and I shouldn't have hit enter. Dumbass.

Whats wrong with sharing jewelry? The husband & I share earrings all the time...

Bud Fisher said...

Great job. What a riot!

Mimi Lenox said...

Berleen - Have some coffee!

I could not tolerate a husband who wore my earrings....he'd had to get his own. Just sayin'...

Mimi Lenox said...

Bud - Thanks!

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Fab answers, Mimi...naturally you couldn't do without your pencil skirt.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

this one ?????????

Speedcat Hollydale said...

I see you there with the keys to the dungeon ....... ;-)

Travis Cody said...

I'm sorry I'm late with the meme! I'm gonna do it, I promise!

Mimi Lenox said...

Eric - Only I know where they are hidden.

Travis - If you just hold on one more day, you can do a brand new meme!

Mimi Lenox said...

Jean-Luc - Naturally!

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