Do You See What I See?

It was a beautifully clear night. I came home late after a coffee meeting

THEN I snapped a few whimsicals in the rear view before I went in from this ridiculously boring evening. The date bombed but I got more than I bargained for with these pictures. I want to see if anyone else sees it before I tell you the rest of the story.
Do you see what I see in the picture below?

Update: Speedcat Hollydale thinks he has figured it out. Go here for his investigative report.
"Your Beautyness" I cannot bake. But I offer your these morsels of bubble gum which the Palace Wart Hog said I should give you so you have something to chew on and keep "ye royal mouth closed for a while". Promise "Your Beautyness" And is that The Royal Wart Hog running as quick as she can from the dungeon in those most excellent pictures? :)
I have come to rue the day I ever put you in the dungeon. Unfortunately, now it is up to me to keep you there away from the general populace.
What are you smoking down there?
With Thom, you never know what he be smokin'. He's from Hawaii, you know?
And I don't know what you see, but I see a cob web. A biggun.
Well I have stared at the pics, in the dark, from close up, from far away, and I don't see anything unusual, unless it's a face in the bushes in the third pic.
But yes, impressionistic and cool.
Bummer about the date :(
Songbird - You see a cobweb.
It was the maid's day off!!!
Cogitator - You see a face! Yes!! Go on....what else do you see?
A face ???
Mimi, I have a monitor with deep black hues, which is graet for clarity most of the time, but in this case everything is just to "dark" to see.
I am taking the pichah to the Hollydale lab ....
The answer is HERE!
Apparently Speedcat has discovered her Majesty striking her half-face pose in the rearview mirror but I was looking for an axe murderer hiding in the back seat whom you later beat off with your royal scepter and threw to the alligators in the moat. No?
Speedcat is only "half" right. Ha ha ha! are very close because it's scary as heck. Dont' you see them? Have you people no imagination??
darnit .... ha haaaaa! I still cannot see quite what YOU do.
Great looking "GREAT READ" column on the left sidebar BTW :-)
Eric - My face is all puffed up and red in the sidebar of a million blogs now.
Thanks a LOT.
I look awful.
Queen is going to hide her red head and cry softly in the corner.
Did you put your glasses on yet? You see them, don't you?
Maybe I should just go ahead and tell folks the story.
I did a post edit :-)
I biggified, and in the lower right section I see two figures. I don't know if they be ghosts or just some sneaky people, but they are skeery!
Speedy - Thank you. I love the enhancement you made on your blog. Please send me a copy if you don't mind. I'm not able to swipe it from your site (like I would...ahem)
I just emailed you this story.
Travis - You are correct!
Linda just wrote to tell me that she saw a man right off the bat as well. I just emailed you the story. I will post it for everyone later.
I see them. Shadows below. Two figures... heads for sure. You have ghost heads and partial bodies.
WAIT... they're channeling a message to me...
They told me to go back to bed.
I ain't afraid of no ghosts.
I'm goin back to bed now... *yawn*
I see a big eye in the first picture.
In the second, I see an eye turned sideways.
In the third one, I see an eye.
In the fourth one, I see an eye.
In the fourth one, I see dead people coming to get you. Oh, my! Sorry Mime, I hope you rolled up the window.
Dawn - I think they're kinda cute. Dead. But cute.
Pam - I am cracking up here....Of course I didn't roll up the window, I didn't "see" them until I looked at the pictures.
Weird, eh?
Rather weird. There definitely seems to be movement happening in the bushes.
Thank goodness Travis saw them right off the bat or I'd have been questioning my own sanity on this one, too.
Very, very skeery ... nothing like having people waiting home to greet you, eh?!?
Do you think they were sitting there asking each other what the crazy half-faced lady in the car was taking pictures of NOW??
Linda - I questioned mine!
Yes, I suppose they talk about me frequently. Maybe I should get used to it.
Charles - Look at the last picture.
Linda - Maybe they should have their own blog.
I see two shadow people. They look like they are having a conversation. lol
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