Monday Mimisms: Her Cup Runneth Over
I know. It's a shock.
But really. Let's give credit where credit is due.
You have to admit...she's unique. Wacky. Lovable. Not to mention fashionable. She could have used any ole' bra to hang on a peace globe, but no....she used a lacy racy number that's been well...around the world. Literally! We should be honored she landed in our peaceful neighborhood while she was globe-trotting. I know I am!
But I didn't count on Olga, The Traveling Bra showing up in the story below.
"Oh look, Mimi! It's a dog! A cat! a Mouse!"...ha ha ha...on and on.
And then Olga's brassiere slowly floated by. Regrettably, there was no rewind button.
pocketbooks ahahah
i am reminded of "Beaches" (the movie)
Do you buy a titsling or do you buy a brassiere?
So cute I have a few of those pocket books myself!! haha we call them purses in Canada! It does look like it though, it will be a great story for his grad, or wedding!
Hugs Giggles
Bless, the innocence of childhood eh! A few years from now I can imagine he will be grinning from ear to ear and his comments would be of a different nature LOL. Thanks for popping around to mine Mimi I have been away with family commitments for a while, Its great to catch up with my Blogging pals.
"out of the mouths of babes"....But hey, my grandmother used to use her bra as a he's not that off the mark!
He... a traveling bra is probably our best hope for world peace, I can't figure out a better way to the male world leaders' attention!
well that's where i used to keep my phone! ha ha ha, pocketbooks. too cute.
smiles, bee
And you thought the peace globe story would be safe? Nothing is pure...nothing!
Barbara - Great movie and now I'm humming that decadent song.
Giggles - I'll let his mother explain.....
Queenie - I missed seeing your royal face here. How are you Your Majesty?
Odat - I'll bet a lot of our grandmothers did the same!
Manager Mom - You do have a point!
Bee - I'm getting a visual are too funny.
Julie - And you are just silly. But hysterical.
Bwahahahahahaha. He's so precious Mimi, he really is. Pocketbooks! Bwahahahahahaha. Again, thanks for my first morning laugh. Have a great day. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
Out of the mouths of babes... too cute Mimi! You'll have to remember to tell him that when he's older ;)
That is such a funny story. He is so sweet and innocent!
Well they both hold things...and women use them both...and well young guys have a problem opening them and looking inside
so maybe he is correct
Ah, so innocent. And imaginative Why do they have to grow up?
I love it!!! Ah, from the mouths of babes!!! That one brought a big smile.
Those aren't pocketbooks???
Sandee - Precious and wonderful. Yep. And I'm so impartial...Glad to make YOU laugh for a change. It's usually the other way around!
Dawn - The blog lives on in infinity.....
Patti - Wouldn't it be great if we could harness that innocence?
Bond - You're such a guy!!
Ralph - I love this age. I wish I could freeze frame him for about 20 years....then he could grow up and get married and all that other stuff that happens sometimes to curb our imaginations and make us too serious-minded.
Eureka! I think I just psychoanalyzed myself.
Deana - Ain't it the truth....
Bud - It's sort of like an optical illusion or something. One minute I think it's a bra and the next a pocketbook. I can't decide!
Oh I love that little guy! :)
You know...some bras have opted to spend their golden years as pocketbooks...check out this link from my website!
Thanks for sharing this Mimi! MMMMMMM-WHA!
You mean... it's not pocketbooks?
And there ya have it...what is seen thru the witty, innocence of a tiny tike's colorful lenses. I think he's on to something. Must go away and think this thing thru. *kissies* miss M and lil one too.
Oh.My.Gosh! That is too dang funny!!! Pocketbooks. *LOL* Yup, my pocketbooks runneth over right now for sure.
Great story Mimi! Thanks for your comment on my post "Ruby Tuesday." Why don't you join us next Tuesday! :)
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