The "Almost" United States ~ Those Stubborn Dakotas!
The states listed below are represented with a peace globe as of globe #741. New globes for June 2008 have not been added yet. The number in parentheses represents how many peace globes we've received from that one location. If you want to see all the globes from your area, just click on the location.
MISSING STATES: Alaska, Delaware, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, Wyoming
Except, maybe they aren't really missing. There are 51 identified as "United States" ONLY. I don't know which state. Go HERE to see if you're in this group. If you would care to share your location, please let me know. Most likely the missing Dakota twins are in this pile. It could happen! I'm so worried about them. Has anyone seen them? Do Dakota-uns want peace?!
Go HERE. Can you claim any of these? Do you know where they are from? Can you help me fill in the blanks? Maybe the Dakotas are hiding in the land of the unknowns.
Who knows?
The state with the highest number of peace globes is California with 42! Michigan follows admirably with 30. Where, oh where, I ask again... is North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Alaska, Vermont, Delaware and Nebraska?
Tomorrow I'll give you the international peace globe news. Snooze time for the Queen. See you then!
Alabama (5)
Arizona (3)
Arkansas (3)
California (42)
Colorado (7)
Connecticut (17)
Florida (19)
Georgia (12)
Hawaii (4)
Idaho (2)
Illinois (10)
Iowa (5)
Kansas (3)
Kentucky (7)
Louisiana (4)
Maine (2)
Maryland (3)
Massachusetts (7)
Michigan (30)
Minnesota (2)
Mississippi (3)
Missouri (10)
Montana (1)
Nevada (1)
New Hampshire (2)
New Jersey (12)
New Mexico (13)
New York (23)
North Carolina (9)
Ohio (19)
Oklahoma (6)
Oregon (11)
Pennsylvania (9)
Rhode Island (2)
South Carolina (3)
Tennessee (24)
Texas (16)
Utah (6)
Virginia (2)
Washington (12)
Washington DC (2)
West Virginia (2)
Wisconsin (7)
This is Sleepy Mimi Pencil Skirt reporting live (and sleepwalking) from the lovely land of the Peace Globes.
Goodnite John Boy.
712, 713, 714, AND 715 are travis...he is in washington
659 is jeff - oregon
559 is grace - california
I am familiar with some others...but I'll have to look tomorrow...
740 is john...from somewhere in the us
- not much help...sorry
#559 - Echoes of Grace is Bakersfield, California. Katherine is right about Travis (Trav's Thoughts) - He's in Washington state.
Perhaps if you send each one an email you will receive the answers you seek.
Have a great weekend Mimi. Big hug. :)
Tennessee represented.....
Friends - Thank you! I'm working on the international list right now. As soon as coffee is poured and a bubble bath is had.
Back in a bit.....
Ooops. Sorry some of my Globes got in the unidentified group.
Mr Tucker just rolled his eyes at me.
Wow - Michigan is second only to California in # of Peace Globes.
... since we're all out of work in Michigan with the worst economy in the nation, I guess we ain't got nuttin' better to do than wish for Peace!
Peace Out,
Starrlight at Here Comes A Storm in the Form of a Girl is from Oregon. Sorry - don't remember what the number was, but I saw it in the list of original peace bloggers.
I'll admit - I represent the great state of Arizona.
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