Monday Mimisms: Mocking Mims, Memes, and Minutia
Just when I thought it was safe to go back to the dungeon, Trav shows up with his blasphemous meme mocking the authority of my pencil skirt right down to the hem. I can't take it! I'm a mess.

Instead of fulfilling his obligation as a card-carrying member of the meme community, he creates an entire meme. And he thinks this is going to grant him a stay of to speak?
He was right. It did!
So in honor of Trav's virgin flight into memehood, I shall answer this tag to avoid my own dungeon. How's THAT for reverse psychology? Great
My category is Publishing. Blog Publishing. YOURS. Here are 8 great blog posts I've found in the blogosphere this week.

1. Julie from Julie's Jewels and Junque wrote a poignant post about hunger in our world. It gave me pause to think about my own reasons to be thankful. It's called Speechless. Need perspective? It's all here.
2. From the Starr Ann Chronicles. Keep Talking Frances Hellen.

3. A man and his bra.
From Speedcat Hollydale in the great state of Minnesota we find a post from the post office.....well, not exactly.

It seems that someone who shall remain
I hope they'll be very happy.
4. If you don't read Post Secret, you should.
Shhhhh! It's a secret. And totally amazing.

5. A wakeup call from The Life Of An Oregano Addict who writes of a shockingly real tragedy that just happened to someone close to her. We are left with the question she asks, "I wonder what's harder losing someone who did not want to leave or losing someone who wanted to leave?" The Pain of Loss is a brutal read with bits of bittersweet.
6. Bits and Pieces brought me a little slice of Heaven today in this Meaningful Monday post.

Just what I needed. Want to de-stress? Take a quick peek at these snippets of wisdom and soothing photographs. It won't take long and it's free therapy.

7. From Gene Bach who writes Turning The Pages Of Life. Gas prices? At least we can laugh. Can't we? These will help. Enjoy Tired of High Gas Prices?

8. Ready to fly? Think again. Sandee over at Comedy Plus regularly serves up funnies. But this beats all I've ever seen.
Airline Bloopers is an absolutely hysterical collection of too-true-to-be-funny mistakes. I think I'll drive next time.
Here are the instructions for Trav's Staying Out Of The Dungeon Trivia Meme:He said: A meme needs ''s your 'structions:
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to:
1. Choose a category from one of these: Television, Stage & Screen, Nightly News, Publishing, Lives & Times, Music
2. Find 8 bits of trivia about your selected category
3. Be sure to let me know when...OK, decide to play along so I can see what you come up with.
4. You may tag, or simply offer the meme for borrowing or stealing as you like.
Congratulations to Travis on his first marvelous meme. It's flying across the blogosphere and everyone really enjoyed it. Thanks!
I royally tag.....On A Limb with Claudia Sarah Spelled the Right Way The Backwoods Drifter Rose' World Jo Beaufoix . Another Desert . Caught In The Stream Anyhow Blogs Dixie's Heart and Soul Wonderland Or Not Marie Millard Asara's Mental Meanderings That Grrrrl . In Search of Life Laketrees .Amel's Realm. Clumsy Mommy What She Said Too Maryannaville . Odat's Mumblings Much Of A Muchness Late Bloomer Boomer Mighty Mom Blue Dreamer's Top Five. california is a recipe for a black hole Balitang Kalye Twisted Sister Life and Adventure PinayMama's Diary Amazing Life Terri Terri Quite Contrary Run Away Thoughts of EMZ Points of View Filipina In Hawaii BryningBunny's Challenge Page Modern Musings Sacred Ruminations . O'Ceallaigh & The Quill Leaf Float Down River Kids, Cats, & Books...What Else Is There? No More Mr. Nice Guy Just Another Day In....Paradise? moms......check nyo Meezer Tails When Silence Speaks Wandering Consciousness Mom Knows Everything
I'm going back down to the dungeon now. See those flames? Bwwwwaahhhhaaa.....I'll show him a dungeon.
What a clever idea. I think Travis will love it. Thanks for the shout-out too. How sweet of you. I need to get mine done before Travis throws me in his dungeon. I'm still much more scared of your dungeon though. Have a great day Mimi. Big hug. :)
A man and his bra have never been so proud ... what?
My adventure is just begining Mimi - I hope to make it through the week without an arrest. Olga and the police are like glue to magnets :~)
Thanks for the shout Mimi, your kindness overfloweth ... and that silouette by the dungeon is both scary, and sultry. Shazam
Happy memeing ... is that how you spell it? You are the only one i know to ask.
Speedy really was quite THRILLING to open that FedEx box and find....SPEEDY!!! He is being a perfect gentleman and minding his manners too I might add.
ahem...can't say the same for me though....
Oooh - hi Speedy! I think we were posting at the same time!
I'm with Speedy on that silhouette by the dungeon.
Starr Ann says hi, Mimi! We're off to read these, starting with Sandee, since she was first to get to the comments.
darling Mimi,
just here to say hello and see how you are.
Thinking of you,
Maryam in Marrakesh
Thank you! This is great! I'm a regular reader at Julie's, but these others are new to me so I'll be sure to check them out.
Thanks for the support on my first meme!
But you skeered me with that skeery silhouette!
**jumps up and down**
I'm famous! I'm famous!!
Well Mimi...I think that perhaps dear handsome Travis is working his magic with you! You'll not believe what he said about you the other day!
I said..."You know Travis...I found myself skimming too quickly blog reading and I clicked on Mimi's and skimmed and then stopped! I felt bad skimming through Mimi's thoughts."
And then Travis said..."Yes Julie...Mimi must never be skimmed..she must be SAVORED"!
Isn't he the best?
Now pardon me as I read more Mimi...not skim!
Yes....even though it's midnight!
This is a clever idea.
I will do it this week - have to decide on a category and how I want it to play out.
Got to study the meme.
I savor you all the time...nicely done
That's why you're Queen Of Memes - you did your own little twist on Trav's meme! :)
Sandee - You are more than welcome. I thought it was an awesome post.
Eric - Do you need bail money? And thanks for the comment. I was going for sultry....and smokey. Ha!
Olga - Speedy minding his manners? Say it ain't so!
Margo - I love the story you've started about Fannie. Glad you approved of this post.
Maryam - Nice to see your lovely face here. I am fine and we shall catch up soon! How's the building coming?
Travis - BOO! You should be skeered, Buster. (just kidding.....) I'm glad your first meme was such a success.
Julie - Awwww...that's sweet. But you know he's just tyring to stay out of the dungeon dear..
Cooper - Can't wait to see what you've done with it. I always enjoy your blog.
Bond - Smooches to you.
Akelamalu - Twist is a good way to put it. I hope he didn't mind! I like to showcase other bloggers when I can. Where has your grass skirt taken you lately?
You really have to give Travis credit for reverse psychology and turning the tables on your Highness! Plus, come on now, it's a great meme, isn't it? Admit it, come on now - I know you can!
As always, you did a royally outstanding job on this but what else would one expect from the Queen of Memes?
Hey sweetie....these comments are too fun!
Listen you anonymous person you! STOP harrassing me.
I've had ENOUGH.
Reverse psychology? Is that what happens when you accidentally make a meme without the Queen's permission?
I'll have to remember that for next time!
And what do we have here? I'm GONE?
**trying valiantly to stay out of the dungeon**
Did you say something dear?
thanks for the tag Mimi :)
I'll probably post next week :)
oh geez....I am in so much trouble....and what the eph are all these bottles doing on my beach???
This was a fun meme post, Mimi. Feel bad I was late to the party.
Better late than never, right? I'm going to give this one a try!
Hey Mimi!
thanks for the shout-out.
I think I'm a permanent resident of your dungeon. :)
I'm doing blogblast for peace though. :)
Thanks for the tag, Mimi. Mine is about interesting trend in the music business. I had a request to do another on publishing - so I'll do that next week!
I've been in and out of the blogosphere these past couple of weeks, with a combination of MIL visit and uncooperative computer. I JUST noticed this tag for Travis's new meme. I will get right on it!
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