In The Clouds
Taken from my airplane seat on a recent flight.
A thunderstorm brewed and we eventually flew through rain -
just before the sun set.
It was bumpy, surreal, and sublimely peaceful.
I think I'll go back and hang out with the clouds awhile longer.

Photographer: Mimi Lenox
Beautiful clouds. It looks like we could walk on them but we know better, don't we?
I have questions but my questions are for someone other than God.
Starting with "why?" and ending with "how could you?"
Wow. Those are stunning.
blankets of heaven...
way cool.
Beautiful photos, Mimi. A bit of heaven.
Gorgeous photos. Certainly puts things in perspective. :)
Well all I can say is that it's a good thing He can listen to more then one person at a time!
i might join you mimi dear, i have a few questions myself today. sigh...
smiles, bee
Awesome pics--wow I might try that next time I fly.
Wow Mimi those are gorgeous shots. When I flew home from Kennedy airport in November the flight attendant told me that for security reasons I couldn't take photographs in the air. Bummer. I'm glad no one kept you from taking these wonderful shots.
I love looking at the clouds when flying (in a plane of course!). Those are great shots Mimi. :0
most the tops of clouds...
Ask him...but you already know the answers...
Mimi! Those are outstanding photos!
Those shots are beautiful Mimi. Gods paint brush was really doing a fine job during this flight. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day. Big hug. :)
Oh, wow. Those are amazing. I'd love to hang out there myself. Thank you so much for sharing!
beautiful pictures Mims...
Ask one of yourself... what makes me happy?
Sublime, Mimi.
Linda - I know you do.
Travis - I had great fun taking them.
Katherine - "blankets of heaven" Perfect!
Patti - Just a bit of Heaven. And then when I landed, all hell broke loose. So to speak.
cablegirl - Perspective is something I've acquired quite suddenly.
Julie - But He's been VERY busy with me this week.
Bee - Welcome to my cloud.
Turn- I was shocked at how clear they were through that dirty window.
Carver - I asked before I did it and they said it was fine. I always ask for a window seat. And it kept me from getting nervous. I hate to fly really. A bit skiddish....
Akelamalu - It was really peaceful.
Bond - Unfortunately, I do know the answers. And what a sorry tale it is.
Misty - Thank you! I take that as a great compliment coming from a real photographer.
Sandee - I like that...."God's paintbrush." That's what it looks like.
Autumn - I'll hang out with you anytime on a cloud. Come on over....
Anndi - Oh. What a question.
Kathleen- I think I'd like to go back up for awhile. Those nagging questions, you know.....
Umm.. yes, dear Mimi. You haf questions for moi? Please don't ask how we make them clouds look so beautifully threatening. That's our trade secret.
Prometheus - You have no idea how glad I am to see you back in the blogosphere. And to find out that you are God is an added bonus.
I'll be right over with my most pressing questions. I have a few right now. But I have a feeling they will forever stay unanswered.
But give it your best shot.
Thanks, dear friend.
It's the only question worth asking my Queen...
Fortunately, there are many correct answers for no one thing brings total happiness.
For example:
- your peace globes make me happy
- my Chicklet's hugs
- warm sunshine pouring through the windows I sit and read...
Once you start answering, it flows...
Just popping in to see how you're doing and to see if you're still wandering around lost in those clouds or whether any answers have been forthcoming.
Take care and hang in there. &hearts
When I fly I always feel like I will see Jesus or an angel just walking on those clouds. It is heavenly up there.
Anndi - You are right. There are many sources of true happiness, the most true within ourselves.
Linda - Still wandering about. Dinner soon?
Deana - I looked for them too!
I like flying, and it's the clouds that get me most. Such gorgeous things.
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