Peace Blogger of The Day: Two Men and a Little Boy
Today's Peace Blogger of the Day is in honor of 2nd Lt Scott Lundell who died in Afghanistan November, 2006. The Peace Globe was designed and submitted by SGT DUB, who is still serving his 2nd tour of duty there. We honor both of these men today - and all others who continue to serve our country - especially those who have lost their lives for the cause of peace.
Mimi is about to make him his very own peace globe.

Christian Gorczynski, 8, receives the flag from his father's casket from Lt. Col. Ric Thompson during the graveside service at Wheeler Cemetery in Bedford County. Golczynski's father, Marcus, was killed by enemy fire in Iraq.
Read the full story here.
That is quite the powerful picture. This nonsense has to stop. Cheers Mimi...
Well deserved Mimi.
Peter and Matt,
The notion that we can't support the human face of our military in the field and still be opposed to this nonsense is, in fact, nonsense.
I support our men and women in the face of danger. And always will. But I do not blindly support or understand the arena they have been thrown into.
No words, treaties, or proclamations need be said when I stare into the face of that heartbroken child.
That is a very, very moving picture and brought tears to my eyes. You can see how trying so hard to be brave but you know his heart has broken.
Something needs to be done to stop this madness but I just don't know what.
Linda -
Yes, the madness needs to stop.
Too late for this child and many like him.
That photo both breaks my heart and makes me proud.
That is the saddest picture I have ever seen. And it doesn't make me proud. It just makes me think what a waste....
POWERFUL picture and great choice Mimi
Bond - Powerful, yes.
And it screams enough is enough.
Maryam - My thoughts exactly. See previous comment to Bond.
Let me clarify.
I'm proud of the young man for looking Colonel Thompson in the eye as he accepts the flag. I'm proud of his father for doing his duty and making the ultimate sacrifice.
I'm proud of every Marine, Soldier, Sailor, and Airman who puts his/her life on the line every day.
Yes, this photo breaks my heart and makes me proud.
This very powerufl picture has brought tears to my eyes.
You can see that this young man is trying to be as brave as his father but his heart is truly broken.
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