To All The Women
Mother's Day is not happy for all.
At times in my own life, it has been bittersweet.
Overshadowed by Hallmark sentiment and blaring commercialism, sometimes the raw human edge is muted on this day, blending in with the fluff, unseen by all who paste on smiles and visit their living breathing mothers - while others talk to a piece of stone. Whatever your situation today, I believe that a day to honor our mothers is a good thing, as I duly honor my own beautiful mom, who gave me her spunk and precocious nature. But this day is more about mothers and children. After all, the hand that rocks the cradle still rules with knowing nods, continuing to "mother" even when her day should be restful. Today I wrote what spilled on the page in honor of those women (and men) whose Mother's Day is not and will never be Hallmark material. There won't be a card for them, so I wrote one.
At times in my own life, it has been bittersweet.
Overshadowed by Hallmark sentiment and blaring commercialism, sometimes the raw human edge is muted on this day, blending in with the fluff, unseen by all who paste on smiles and visit their living breathing mothers - while others talk to a piece of stone. Whatever your situation today, I believe that a day to honor our mothers is a good thing, as I duly honor my own beautiful mom, who gave me her spunk and precocious nature. But this day is more about mothers and children. After all, the hand that rocks the cradle still rules with knowing nods, continuing to "mother" even when her day should be restful. Today I wrote what spilled on the page in honor of those women (and men) whose Mother's Day is not and will never be Hallmark material. There won't be a card for them, so I wrote one.
To All the Women......
whose children are not coming home and will never come home
I wish you peace and fragrant memories
To All the Women......
who never knew their children and wonder still what that babe would have been
I wish you fertile wings of joy and conversations with angels
To All the Women.....
whose children will call from jail or rehab
I wish you calm in the midst of your fear
To All the Women.....
whose children are sick and in need of a miracle
I wish you wise words to pray and an audience with your Maker
To All the Women....
whose mothers needed mothering before they mothered you
may you learn to parent yourself with the kindness and insight that comes from loving yourself and then give that gift to your own children
To All the Women....
whose empty nests are emptier than they'd hoped
I wish you years of bringing your mothering to a new creative level - where letting go feels like flying - your flying.
To All the Women....
whose children live far, far away
I wish you warm breezes that speak of hugs
To All the Women....
whose children will sleep in a car tonight, under a bridge, or in a shelter
I wish that you will see and enjoy the quiet adoration in the trusting face of your child
To All the Women...
whose time is short
I wish you arms of love and whispers of the God-kind, so that your children will never be alone and you can leave in peace
To All the Women....
whose child became a casualty of addiction or depression
I wish a reunion with a healthy child
To All the Women....
who knows not where her son or daughter is tonight
I wish a phone call
To All the Women.....
whose fresh-faced child fights in a war
I wish an end to the insanity and a laying down of arms
And To All the Women....
whose arms are empty today for whatever reason
I wish a visitation
of peace....

© Mimi Lenox
I believe every mother (and father) or anyone in a nurturing role has just thanked and blessed you.
No words, for such touching post. We come to know God later than mother, she is the real god for a child. At least for me my mother is my god. I love her more than my breath. But the topics you have raised in your post, really grab my attention. How a son or a loving daughter would wish her mother Happy Mother's Day, is he or she is in jail? What about the children who spent all their nights under the shadow of bridges?....... I have no word to say anything.
My regards for such a wonderful comment.
Mybloglog Community
Beautiful, Mimi. Thank you.
Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for this post.
Your poem touched me on so many levels. I am living away from my mom and she's not been keeping in too good a heath - so today my heart was torn - my dad's gong to have a bypass so have been in tears all day... I am trying to have a baby.
So mother's day has been wrought with emotion...
Lovely post, Mimi. And you are right. Like so many other holidays, Mother's Day is not easy to celebrate for many.
Lovely words, thank you.
This was beautiful, Mimi.
Hope your day was lovely.
Always a day late, that's me, Mimi. Thank you so much for saying what everyone really needed to hear and for saying it so beautifully.
It's difficult to follow such words with anything else... I shall keep my peace...Thanks Mimi.
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