Lennon Strikes Again: Sanni and the Peace Globes
A creative young woman from Germany who calls herself Sanni has stolen my heart today.
Not one to believe in accidents, I am convinced a little angel sent her to me; not only that, but said angel would want me to share her with you. Sanni doesn't do things ordinarily. Her blog is full of substance and beauty - just like Sanni herself.
On Friday, November 17, 2006 she wrote a post in response to my own commentary called 15 Reasons Why I Miss Peace Globes. Apparently, so does she.
Imagine my surprise today when I stumbled upon her to find (among other things) a slideshow in the sidebar of her blog complete with an animated rainbow and shooting stars. And what is so special about that, you may ask?
And that's not all. As if I needed another reason to get excited about this project! Sanni wrote a poem that eloquently describes exactly how I feel about Dona Nobis Pacem in the Blogosphere and the impact it's had on my life. Let's put this in perspective. She's a mere 32 years old. An example of all that is right with her generation. Maybe a new cycle of social activism has begun for the cause of peace - as I recently discussed with a Lennon-generation-friend on the phone - isn't it time for the old wave to catch up with the new?
She has caught the vision.
Not to over-quote Lennon, mind you - but let's do. Why not? He was a visionary before his time for the cause of peace. There has never been another "sound" quite like John Lennon's voice singing......"Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one."....
I don't think we can repeat that enough. No matter how many times I've seen bloggers use it to personify our peace day, I never tire of it.
If John Lennon were alive today and a blogger, I have no doubt he would be signing his own Peace Globe right along with us - and marching that tune around the blogosphere with ordinary people like you and me. And he would discover - as I have - that my friendly neighborhood peace bloggers are far from the range of mundane.
He would also be lighting candles - like the one that 8,000,000 others have lit via the link on Sanni's sight. She has hopes for that many bloggers to make peace globes one day. So do I.
Why not?

NOTE: Peace Globes are ONGOING. Write me and I'll tell you how to participate in BlogBlast For Peace. You can still make a globe and have it entered in the gallery. We've love to have at least one from every country.
Yes! Sanni rocks big time. I enjoy her blog too.
"General, your tank is a powerful vehicle.
It smashes down forests and crushes men.
But it has one defect:
It needs a driver.
General, your bomber is powerful.
It flies faster than a storm
and carries more than an elephant.
But it has one defect:
It needs a mechanic.
General, man is very useful.
He can fly and he can kill.
But he has one defect:
He can think."
by Bertolt Brecht
Germany (1898-1956)
Mimi, I am lost for words...
moved to tears...
and much obliged.
Thanks a lot,
pax vobiscum
Hi,I would just like to thank you for the nice review you gave my blog on bestest blog of all times! Wow - now that was a jolly big surprise! p.s - What muffins would you like? heheheheh
Mimi..amazing isn't it..loved her post..it just continues..and here comment here..what a wonderful thought ful way to use that term...General, so fitting as that is what you are, and we your troops..are ready when ever you call us...take care..m
I love Sanni's site and her thoughts.. Nicely done pointing her out to your readers.
Lizza....She is a special young woman I think.
Twin sisters of different mothers...
Madd....It IS amazing. Seems to have a life and momentum of its own - the way all magical things on earth should.
Sanni...Loved the Brecht quote as I'm sure my readers will. I hope and pray our simple peace mission will be carried along by passionate winds - as well as intellect. Thank you for being you.
Bond...Yes, her site is a peaceful place to be. I hope more people will learn about her.
I don't think it's possible to overquote John Lennon.
And the peace globes keep on turning! Nice!
(Have you ever heard Eva cassidy sing that song, Fields of Gold? It's beautiful!)
Hmmmm, when I try to go to Sanni's blog, it says it is for invited readers only......but she sounds truly wonderful!
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