Mimi and The Goddess of Athena
I've seen a lot of strange critters in the corners of Bloggingham Castle; snakes, lizards, deer, wayward crazy boyfriends, snakes oh, I said that ...even a ghost or two
but orangutans?? Really??
Hey you! What are you doing? Shoooo shoooo shooooooo!
Who? Who me?
Wonder what it means.
I googled the meaning of seeing an owl in daylight (big mistake), threw a handful of salt over my right AND left shoulder (why not?) and decided to regard it as a good omen regardless of how many googgly stories proclaimed an owl in daylight to be the symbol of d-d-d-d-d-death. Some say they escort the soul to the spirit world, agents of protection and symbols of transition. Most associate owls with mysticism and eternal wisdom. Ancient Greek mythology related the owl to Athena, goddess of femininity. Others believe owl visitations bring messages from the Great Beyond to humans and warn of change - good or bad - noting it is best to be watchful after an owl visitation. Most ordinarily sane common-sense-laden We were just getting properly acquainted when she turned her head to the right and flew away left to the north. I was so sad to see her leave. I wanted to borrow her hat.
I have been praying specifically for wisdom lately. And since I literally looked a gift owl in the mouth, it's best to be thankful for the gift.
So, thank you Goddess of The Day.
Very nice to make your acquaintance.
Very nice indeed.

Do come again.
I need all the wisdom I can get.
Oh WOW Mimi how wonderful! I've actually seen a very large owl up close and personal. A neighbour of my MIL kept one and showed it to us one day. They are absolutely beautiful creatures.
Among the strange critters... 'boyfriends'... LMBO!!!
How are you?
Akelamalu - Indeed. They are beautiful and special. You were blessed.
Red - Oh, you noticed did you? I must have made a faux pas (*batting eyes of innocence*) to spell out snakes in the same sentence as boyfriends. What WAS I thinking?
For a change.
This is so lovely - a beautiful visitation. I had an owl encounter once that felt like an oracle, speaking, a messenger to the spirit world - right after my mother's death. Your owl does look like an old wise soul. I also love all the GREEN outside your window - so lovely.
Sherry - I did feel as though she had something to say. It was intense for sure. And she stayed and stayed and stayed...
The "green" is everywhere I look. Through every window in the house high and low. It is why I love Bloggingham so. It feels like I live in a tree house. If I ever move...the trees have to go with me.
Awesome! I'd like to think it's a good sign... now stop that googling.
Did you say she flew north? hmmmm...
Dawn - She left on Saturday. Look outside your window. I sent some things with her. It's faster than the postal service.(smile)
Wow!! that is really amazing :-) I have a thing about owls.
Cherry - It was quite the shock let me tell ya.
A beautiful bird indeed. Personally, I distrust owls. I cannot say why.
Well, I hope you make some owly-wise decisions :)
We get our mystical messages in the form that we will receive them, right? So I agree it's no accident that the owl showed up before you, ready to share its wisdom.
Travis - They are full of contradictions. And feathers.
Mark - I did! I did!
Gal - Well said. Exactly.
owls - old ancient mystical beings.. it was more than just some random perching to rest the wings.. there is more, at least thats what i feel.. i too had a daylight sighting of a large eagle owl, astonished i was, but the story gets more incredible, the day before seeing the owl i had a ufo sighting, 3 ufo´d in perfect formation, that of a slanted line, before i noticed the ufo´s a strange cloud caught my eye, it was vertical and illuminated with beautiful bright colors, i knew immediately there was something special about it, after viewing the cloud for about 3 minutes the ufo´s just appeared off to the right of the cloud, i mean appear out of nowhere, i now think the cloud was some kind of portal the ufo´s used, so anyway, thats my story, oh! and after some thorough research i´ve come to find out ufo´s and owl sightings are intimately connected, for lack of a better description, they´re related in some way, i´ve read a few other real stories about ufo´s and owls being witnessed at the same time, or being part of the same event, if you never saw the movie " The Fourth Kind " check it out.. it hints that owls and ufo aliens can be 1 in the same ( shape-shifters ), ok, i´ve said to much, keep watching out for nature and supernatural messengers.
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