Send your peace globes to
blog4peace @

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm Afraid Of My Own Crockpot

It's called the Cooking 101 Meme

I could use some cooking advice. In fact, I could use a LOT of cooking advice. Would you indulge me? If you've read my blog very long you know that my kitchen disasters are legendary. I have a few culinary questions for you. Please feel free to share recipes!! (and instructions on how to decode them)

1. What is the best dish you can cook?

2. Do I have to beat eggs or can I whip them gently? Sounds so violent to me.
I think I shall whisk my eggs away. Sounds like a romance novel, doesn't it?

3. I am reading a recipe right now for Hearty Beef-n-Cheese Pie from a recipe book I dug out of the cabinet. The instructions read..."Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In large frying pan, brown ground beef, onion and green pepper."
I am already lost. Why must I turn on the oven and put the frying pan in it? And how does one turn beef AND peppers brown at the same time?!
What color should the onion be?

I don't think my answer could be anymore ridiculous than the question.

4. Did you ever cook something for your family that no one enjoyed and you had to throw out?

True story: Once upon a time in a faraway marriage long dead and gone now, I made mashed potatoes that wouldn't even fall off the spoon. And gravy. My husband put a bowl of it outside for the dog to eat. The dog would not eat it.

5. Why do all recipes say "mix sugar, flour and salt?" Don't they cancel out the other?

Anybody who knows anything about the law of averages attractions astrology and/or archaeology should know the answer to this question. Since I don't know anything about any of those things I'll pass. The salt.

6. Why must you add eggs "one at a time" to a mixing bowl? Does anybody really know the answer to this question?

In my opinion this is a total waste of time!!! How absurd. I'm getting irritated with all this cooking nonsense. It makes no sense. Of course, Jamie answered this question with the correct answer for me which I'm trying to ignore because it makes so much sense I'm totally embarrassed now and it means I'll have to do it right the next time and actually cook.

7. Please post the recipe to something you think even I can cook. I am begging you! It is no fun being a afraid of my own crockpot.

Your Hungry Queen

I have discovered through this meme that I really don't want to cook at all. That is the problem. I wish not to cook. Nope. Nada. Don't want to.
But thanks for all the great recipes! I just called for takeout.
It should be here soon.

I'm getting ready to go back to the coast...if Hurricane Earl will allow.
See you tomorrow!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Send Your Peace Globe Face Into Space ~ NASA is calling

I just launched my face into space on this peace globe via NASA's program called "Face In Space." NASA has invited the public to send their images and names into space on the remaining two final Shuttle Missions. It was fun! The Endeavor launches November 1, 2010 just three days before peace globes fly. Perfect! Once the astronauts return to Earth, you will be given a flight certificate signed by the Mission Commander that is printable from your computer. You can choose which flight you'd like to participate in. The second launch is in 2011. I chose to fly on the Endeavor Mission.

Once you've uploaded the image you will need do a little cropping to fit it inside the shuttle window but the tool is right there on the site for you. I sent this image and cropped my face into the window (see graphic above). How cool to have little blue wishes of peace floating in orbit from all around the world. IMAGINE!
Go here to upload your image to NASA. It's easy! It took about 10 minutes to complete. You even hear a simulated lift-off announcement and see the launch with your face in the shuttle window. Soooo cool and pretty amazing.
You must be 13 years or older to participate.
PLEASE let me know when you do this so that I can keep count of how many peace globes there are in space.

How awesome to know that our peace globe presence will be soaring through the atmosphere at the same time we're launching BlogBlast here on Earth.
It's us.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Globes the globes the globes the globes.....

Watch 'em float by to bring you a little peace today.
I will refresh the page as I add more throughout the afternoon here and on Facebook.
Ann Tracy - Waiting For The Muse

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Peace Globes From The Past

Artists with beautiful peace globes to make

Cats on top of the world...My favorite channel
And daisies..The world needs more daisies.
Goodnite everyone.

November 4, 2010
The Peace Globe Gallery

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Mimi In A Minute #23 ~ Scrambled Legs and Belly Watchers

These things keep me up at night. They give me a headache.
I just need sixty seconds of your time to unclog my pencil brain so that I can get some sleep. Do you mind?
I have a few things to say. This is Mimi unplugged.
Hide your children.

Floods in Pakistan, memories in New Orleans this week and hurricanes headed for the Atlantic. The news is catastrophically on cue.
To the papparazzi belly watchers of the world:

OK. Stop. Please. We all know now. "Mimi" aka Mariah Carey is pregnant. Mimi is not. Readers! Please! Stop emailing me to inquire on the state of my gestation. Can a Queen have no privacy?

To all the Egg Inspectors of the world:

If you'd had the same gestation paparazzi inspecting your eggs as have been inspecting Mariah's, I could have had an omelet by now.

Readers! Stop emailing me about the state of my digestion. I'm fine!
Grumpy. But fine.

John Kennedy, Jr.

I miss you. Eleven years ago
I was in a workshop when I heard the news. We waited and watched the water. Kennedy was killed in a plane crash along with his wife and sister-in-law on July 16, 1999.

Seems like yesterday.

To Sir Paul McCartney: Thank you for writing "Yesterday" (which, btw, came to him in a dream) even though the original working title was "Scrambled Eggs." Rolling Stone Magazine has named it the No. 1 Beatles song of all time. The opening verse to McCartney's "Yesterday" was "Scrambled Eggs/Oh, my baby how I love your legs"

I'm so glad it was just a yoke.

Facebook is blaming Teachbook for "blatantly" stealing its name in an attempt to launch a website for teachers this fall. Teachbook has accused Facebook of bullying them.
The teachers website has all of 47 users online.

I consider that a grave threat.

All of you! To the Principal's office right now!

Pfffft! I thought it was quite nervy of Mariah to use my Mimi name on her Adventures of Mimi tour in 2006. I made a video just for her.

Whew! I feel better. Thanks for listening.
Sixty seconds flew by. I think my blogsomnia is cured.
Lights out.

I'm suddenly craving ice cream.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

OK. I'm Too Tired To Play My Own Meme Tonight

It's been a CRAZY week already and I'm about to fall asleep at my computer. Trust me. You do NOT want the answers frolicking around in my exhausted pencil brain on this snarkified meme. Taken with a camera phone but not bad. Ominous.
I will catch up with all of you in a couple of days. NEED SLEEP.

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Monday, August 23, 2010

An Open Letter To Baby Boy on The First Day of School

Dear Baby Boy,

Give me one more year, or two, and I'll see what I can do about finding a proper grownup name for you. Tonight, I still have snowballs in my hair and tears I can't wipe fast enough.

You are going to First Grade tomorrow. After a year of answering the same question ("What did you learn in Kindergarten today?") with the same answer every time ("We did the same thing, Mimi, the saaame thing.") I am trusting that this year's teacher can springboard you past learning to spell c.a.t. Let's hope for the best.

Do you remember that night when it snowed and we went outside in the darkness to play? You wore my white hat and spent most of your time sneaking around the corner to make weapons of fluffy destruction aimed at my pencil head. I dodged a lot. But you made me laugh so hard that I fell down on the ground and begged for mercy. It was that look - yes, that one - mischievous, joyful, full of yourself.

You are still full of yourself. And I am full of you.

Time goes by fast, Baby Boy, real fast. Before you know it, I'll be writing (and weeping) a letter to you about your high school graduation right here on this blog....if there are still blogs in the year 2022. You are embedded and brimming over with all that is good in this world and I am proud of you, but I would like a word with you before you go out to conquer the world at recess.

There are a few things you need to know.

Your teacher: Pay attention. Show respect. Think of her as a fountain. You are the sponge. If she's a good teacher, you'll absorb a lot of facts and figures. If she's a great teacher, she'll help you find them yourself. If she's an extraordinary teacher, she'll inspire you to look beyond the obvious and think critically. If she's a master teacher, she'll expect more questions than answers. Learn to ask the questions, Baby Boy.

Friends: You don't need 100. You only need a few. Choose them as wisely as a six-year-old can. You will know whether or not you want to spend time with them based on the way you feel about yourself when you are with them. You know right from wrong. I know you do.
You only need a few loyal friends to help you make it through the day.

Girls: I know. I know. You're still in love with Tiffany from Kindergarten. But she doesn't go to your school anymore. Listen, Baby Boy, girls are fickle and nothing but trouble. TROUBLE with a capital T.
Stay away.

They rarely change and usually grow up to be bigger bullies. When I was in the sixth grade a girl took a weeping willow branch and smacked me across the face with it over and over on the playground. I had to get a bigger branch and defend myself. I didn't want to hurt her; I just wanted her to stop hurting me.
When you encountered your first bully last year in kindergarten, you walked away and found a new friend after he pushed you down in the rocks, scraping your knuckles until they bled. You found a way to get up and remove yourself. I like that about you. But I worry sometimes that you might get pushed around. Don't get pushed around, Baby Boy, okay? I don't know whose way was best, mine or yours, but I do know that sometimes you need a big stick and sometimes you need to walk away; at times a little of both. Just in case, I still have that branch.
Don't make me come to that school.
Homework: Do it.

Tolerance and Patience: Get some.

Practical Matters That Every First Grader Should Know: (Are you taking notes, Baby Boy?)

You don't owe anybody else an explanation, your lunch money or your cell phone number.
Take the window seat on the bus. Don't eat the pizza cause it's full of bad bad bad cholesterol that will catch up with your little gene pool sooner or later and please, whatever you do, do NOT drink out of the public water fountain. Bottled water is your friend.

Stay away from trouble makers.
Did you hear me, Baby Boy? I said stay away from trouble makers. Why? Cause they'll get you in trouble.

On Valentine's Day when your teacher hangs all the little red hearts up with names written in black Sharpie pens on the wall, make it your mission to buy special ones for the children who most likely won't be "friended" by anyone else. Sign them anonymously, or not, and don't say a word.

Don't ask people if you can sit beside them in the cafeteria.
Sit down first or somewhere by yourself and ask people if they'd like to sit with YOU.

Always carry peanut butter crackers in your backpack for emergency energy, respectfully insist on going to the restroom if you need to and make it a point to hold the door open for your teacher. Think of tests like a game to win. Don't text in class and make sure you eat breakfast every every every day.

And about that eraser.
It doesn't just erase wrong answers, it also makes room for better ones and brighter ideas.

Hard concepts are only temporary challenges. See? I told you you'd figure out how to put all the ice pieces in the Don't Break The Ice Game eventually, now didn't I?.......and please oh please oh please read everything you can get your hands on. Twice.

Think, Baby Boy, think. And be true to yourself. Only you. And be kind. You will reap what you have sown in this department - even in the First Grade.

Sports: If you don't want to play, don't play. You don't have to be a jock. I have an inkling you might want to draw or write or sing instead. You've already written six stapled together "books" for me to read in my spare time. I knew you were artistic the day you wanted to make a movie with your crackers in the pizza parlor.

Everybody has a niche.
When you find yours, hunker down.

As proud as I am of you, at the end of the day I am more interested in how your character grew than your grade point average. Measure that carefully.

None of it, however, will ever mean more to me than the look under that white hat in the snow.
Got that, Baby Boy?

Yeah. I know.
I've gotta find another name.

And one more thing...
I love you

Photo credit: Mimi Lenox
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