Internationally Acclaimed Artist Alicia M B Ballard Blogs For Peace with a Brand New Creation called "Pace"
I have often said that complete immersion in one's art is the salvation - and genius- of originality. That takes courage. Alicia Ballard knows something about that.
Her riveting account of life as a child living during the era of the Hungarian revolution and the seeing firsthand the effects it had on her family has always been at the core and depth of experience found when you view her work. She has chosen to let the memories and images seep into her paintings.
And now she has chosen to move forward into even deeper waters of hope, but not just any ole' hope, but hope borne into a mix of reality, as only a person with richness of life experiences can do. I think that when any artist, whether it is words on a blank page of poetry and prose or oils on a canvas of digital collage, or a musician composing a rhapsody or rock song, reaches back into their past and brings it forward into new reality, it weaves a promising thing - and the result is always powerful. More importantly, it is always true.
I sent him the photos and explained what I was looking for... not "quite possible" but, his knowledge and ingenuity managed to bring to life my concept! Of course, I (also) weeped when I first saw it...
Her Facebook page lit up when it was first posted.
And of course, I wept too.
She describes the work displayed in the sidebar of The Terra Studios as a "Mixed media collage/pastiche, in preparation for international Blogblast for Peace. Peace, as Freedom are worthless if not practiced every day.

Deep deep waters of truth here.
And painted as only you could have done.
It was more than worth the wait."
Seen here The Collage version

The original painting "Paz" from 2006 (seen above) has merged and evolved into "Pace" 2010.
She explained a bit about the evolution of the work:
"When I originally painted "Paz" I was (obviously) in much different frame of mind...
I no longer can view peace in such an utopic manner.
Peace, we as people, have possibly never experienced and ever desired. As individuals we seek peace, balance, happiness.
As a people, generally we speak of the same; however, the reality in not such, never was.
Peace often is a tentative, fragmented, hopeful, damaged ideal and experience. Even individually, it is a moment. Often, as balance, a fleeting moment.
Thus, "PACE" reflecting these conflicting experiences, coming together/pulling apart, yet, ever hopeful for a different conclusion, as represented by the doves as the center, as a target/aim."
And so it is. Hope in the struggle. Perfectly said. That is reality. We are not puff and fluff, nor just meaningless words on a graphic. The work, our work, has indeed come alive and continues to grow and reach out to many mediums and avenues of expression. This is just one of the many amazing creations in the works for November 4th.
We are so honored to have this work by Alicia M B Ballard dedicated to this year's BlogBlast For Peace.
My friendship with her began in 2006 when she flew a peace dove into my heart and spirit. So many of you did the same thing with your offerings and writings. My connection with her and the jolting effect her paintings have always had on me...continues to bless my spirit and inspires me to keep reaching.
Some things do come around full circle.
Peace should be one of them.
This image with on a card with only the Pace inscription may be purchased directly from Alicia contact her for details. Paz is also available here.
The story, the painting, the coming together of all the pieces and uniting into a movement for peace - everything !
That's all I have got to say.
I am scrolling up to read again.
Thank you dearest Mimi for your kind words, support and friendship.
And a huge, separate thank you for your continued effort and dedication to such noble cause.
Love you lots.
I remember...I remember so well...
In November 2006, I was scrolling through the blogs, jumping from peace post to peace post, being awed by the commitment, the energy, the enthusiasm for peace. I was immersed and focussed.
Then I came to Alicia's blog...and stopped! I fell in love with that dove right there and then! So beautiful. So...peacefull. So...breathtaking.
For me, Alicia's dove has always symbolised that first search through the blogosphere, and the first moment when I really, well, understood the meaning, the importance of artwork so poignant as Alicia's.
Thanks for sharing this, Mimi!
Thanks so much for sharing this one. I have a feeling I'm going to miss a lot of amazing words and Peace Globes this week, since I don't do FB.
But that's OK. The movement is getting so big that it's to the point where it's difficult to see them all, and that is a good thing.
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