Saturday 9 on Tuesday: Sleeping In A Hurricane
Saturday 9: How Do You Sleep
1. How long do you sleep each night?
Never enough.
2. Do you fall asleep easily?
That's a big NO.
My crown is pointy and sticks to the pillow sometimes. I have to readjust the hairpins a million times. It is so annoying!! Once I even punctured a hole in a waterbed and nearly drowned. Royalty has its drawbacks ya know.
3. Do you fall asleep at times not in your bed?
Hmmm.....on the couch. Rarely. In the car. Sometimes. That's not OK when I'm driving is it....
4. Do you listen to music or use “white noise” to sleep?

I used to have to sleep with a fan on when I was married to my once-upon-a-time-snore-like-an-earthquake-husband. He could not sleep without one and I got used to it. After our divorce I still had to have a fan but eventually weaned myself away from it because it was just ridiculous trying to sleep in a hurricane every night. It blew the natural curl right out of my hair. Now - without the natural disasters that nightly plagued my bed in my married life - I prefer complete silence or the gentle rhythmic breathing of someone beside me which naturally leads to spooning.
And things.
5. Do you sleep through the night or get up a couple of times?
Once I get to sleep I don't even move
I'd better shut up.
6. Do you have trouble sleeping away from your own bed?
Not in the least.
I told you. I fall asleep in my car.
7. Do you need an alarm clock to get you up?
If I want to get up. Yes. Otherwise, I could sleep until after noon most days. I know! I love to sleep...what can I say? I'm snug as a bug. Who wants to ruin that?
8. Do you ever take medication to help you sleep?

Rarely. Not being in a constant tornado mode in the bedroom helps.
I used to take Tylenol PM but found I was getting dependent on it and stopped. Alcohol is not my thing and would probably make me wide awake anyway. Prescription drugs K.N.O.C.K. M.E. O.U.T. as in for days....I am not kidding. I once had surgery and woke up three days later. They thought I was in a coma. I seriously can't tolerate drugs.
Now I try hot green tea or just some gentle rhythmic breathing (OK OK I'll stop) has to be something OWN breathing in and out.....ahhh....I'm getting sleepy now. Yawn.
9. Do you/have you slept with pets?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Well....there was the possum.
Why does this meme stop with nine, Samantha? Don't you want to hear my tenth answer? It was a good one too. Wh
y didn't you ask a question that I could answer with "because I sleepwalk" ??
Because I do you know. My dad nearly shot me when I was a teenager because he thought I was a burglar.
BTW, Where am I? And what am I doing at the computer?
I'm going back to bed.
Goodnite Sam.

Because I do you know. My dad nearly shot me when I was a teenager because he thought I was a burglar.
BTW, Where am I? And what am I doing at the computer?
I'm going back to bed.
Goodnite Sam.
Copyright © Mimi Lenox. All Rights Reserved.
Ugh. I've had sleep issues recently, so asking me questions about sleep will likely garner you some snarky responses!
IT's like deja vu, all over again. Great job!
Oh! I like this meme! I've done very weird things in my sleep. But like you....her questions won't allow me to answer with those weird facts of my sleep disorders!
Desert - Sleep issues are no fun. Sorry you're snarky. That's so not you.
Bud - You can say that again...
Julie - There is not a weird bone in your body. Is there?
Desert/Mimi/all...right there with you on sleep issues. In fact, had to cancel my appointment with sleep doc today because of of a knee injury.
Yep, that and it's 1am right now and the wind is keeping me up tonight. OY!
Great meme as always...funny hearing more about Mimi!
Hugs Giggles
I fall asleep within 2 minutes usually. Sleep only in bed 99 percent of the time. I like a fan but Lana doesn't so we don't use ours much.
Ms. must not sleep with your crown on. It will do way too much damage to your lovely hair.
I don't usually have trouble falling asleep but staying that way for more than a couple of hours is my problem!
Reading...this came to mind...
Breathe deep the gathering gloom,
Watch lights fade from every room.
Bedsitter people look back and lament,
Another day's useless energy spent.
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,
Lois - Sometimes I fall into bed exhausted but much of the time I have trouble falling asleep. Good luck to you. It really upsets your day with no sleep.
Giggles - Well...I hope you're "giggling"...
Charles - Glad you worked that out. I spent years hunkered under the cover hiding from a hurricane.
Shannon - That cracked me up. What? What did you say?! Oh no! Not my hair!!
Akelamalu - Sometimes that is true of me as well.
Bond - Love the last line...
Earplugs, earplugs, earplugs!! Poor Hubby snores. Annie the puppy snores. I snore. I also have to have my sleepmask on because Poor Hubby has an obsession with keeping the blinds open just enough for the streetlights to shine in my face! I used to be an incredibly light sleeper, but now that I'm on so many medications, I sleep like...Poor Hubby.
I have no trouble sleeping..I am really good at it, I think.
You look cute with the Santa hat on.
More details into My Queen's daily existence. It's becoming quite easy to picture the daily occurrences at Bloggingham Palace. Thanks for sharing more from your activities, Your Highness. Maybe the Royal Jester could supply the gentle breathing you need for a good night's sleep.
Autumn - Sleep problems abound in the blogosphere tonight. Perhaps we should start a Sleepy Club.
Patti - Olga The Traveling Bra made the avatar for me. I love it!
Lee - The Royal Jester has become a Royal Pain In The Pencil Skirt of late but I'll think about it. I wonder if he would tape his gentle breathing at night so that I could check it out first (ewww...that sounded so.sooo...weird...maybe that's not such a great idea).
Me thinks I'm giving too many details into my existence.
Or maybe I could advertise for a deep breather??!
At least your not one of those crazed morning bloggers!
Naps rock, yes. I love to nap.
Eric - I love naps as well and need to take more of them.
I am the furtherest thing in the world from a "morning" ANYthing.
I don't wake up until I've been awake for 3 hours.
And then it's time for a nap.
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