Sunday Stealing with Judd Corizan ~ The All About Me Meme
Isn't my blog narcissistic enough?
I'm changing it on my post to
The All About Me Me (MiMi) Meme
It's perfect!'s tailor made for me - me...oh, you know what I mean....Just change it back when you do yours - unless your name is Mimi too.
Behold the stream of consciousness that hit me with each fill-in-the-blank one-word question. I fear it was a bit personally revealing.
After you read it, forget I said all that!
Complete each sentence.
I am: Where do I begin? Mimi Pencil Skirt aka Mimi Queen of Memes aka The Peace Globe Lady
I think: too much
I know: very little
I have: a castle and a dungeon
I think: too much
I know: very little
I have: a castle and a dungeon
I wish: they would be quiet down there
I hate: dating
I miss: being in a relationship
I fear: I'll be dating when I'm 90 (my name will change to Mimi Queen of Prunes)
I hear: music in my head. Sometimes I write it down. Occupational hazard.

I smell: mutiny in the dungeon
I crave: a boyfriend who can cook
I search: for a muscular male housekeeper. Why settle for a frumpy woman? This could work out!
I crave: a boyfriend who can cook
I search: for a muscular male housekeeper. Why settle for a frumpy woman? This could work out!
I wonder: if I'll ever find one
I regret: wasted time
I regret: wasted time
I dance: with total abandon
I sing: from my soul
I cry: sometimes on a dance-less night
I fight: with Blogger
I win: at Scrabble
I sing: from my soul
I cry: sometimes on a dance-less night
I fight: with Blogger
I win: at Scrabble
I lose: my socks all the time, second only to my glasses, which are usually found on my head, second only to my yellow curlers, which are ANYwhere but on my head!
I never: give up
I always: wear my crown
(and I'm pretty sure God wears one too)
I never: give up
I always: wear my crown

I confuse: most people I meet
I listen: with my heart
I can usually be found: needing sleep
I am scared: of little
I need: kisses and fingers in my hair
I am happy about: my life
I imagine: a peaceful world
(and moon-dancing)
I listen: with my heart
I can usually be found: needing sleep
I am scared: of little
I need: kisses and fingers in my hair
I am happy about: my life
I imagine: a peaceful world
(and moon-dancing)
Visit Judd at Sunday Stealing if you'd like to bare your blog soul as well.
Intersting stuff. I like how you did this. Short statements to the point.
You're just trying to tell me I need to write more succinctly, aren't you?
Lol...I know...I know....
I like that MEME, Mimi!
I'm back from my vacation and came up with a little something:
I'd love to see you participating in my first own MEME.
Now, please excuse me while I'm going to throw away my purple stuff *g*
Great meme, Mimi!
I jsut may have to try this one myself.
Loved your answers Mimi. :)
Love your answers! But I forgot them already (per your instructions)...
I see we both think too much. I think a lot of women may say that.
great answers.
Sanni - I saw your handwriting meme already. It is very creative! Thanks!
Lois - Sunday Stealing is a great meme to do each week. Try it!
Akelamalu - Thank you, sweetie.
Kwiz - You were paying attention!
Deana - Oh we do. And I am the world's worst at over thinking things. Maybe it's a woman's thing....
This was too funny! We had 3 answers the same... I Think, I Know, I Confuse... It must be a blogging hazard!
A great meme, Mimi. Wish I could cook!
Dawn - What do you mean we must be a blogging hazard? We are a hazard waiting to happen. But ain't it grand?
Jean-luc - You can't cook? But the lovelies on the Fleet must feed you, right?? Poor guy!
God wears a tierra? She must look swell! Great, witty answers, as usual! Have a great day...
Bud - Of course She wears a tierra. Everybody knows that! Were you paying attention in Catholic school?
Of course God wears a tierra! It is the latest fashion accessory!
I only went to cathechism. I'm not sure much stuck. Do you? ;)
Bud - Knowing you as I do, I reserve the right to voice that complicated opinion to you in private...however, I think more "stuck" than you realize... although I doubt very seriously God's accessories much less His/Her gender were discussed at much length during cathechism......but I could be wrong. It happens.
I've been thinking about it and well....I want a crown too. My daughters nickname when she was little was Princess so that would kinda make me a Queen eh? :o)
Now that was just plain fun to read.
Tammy - I believe it would! Everybody should have a crown. I bought mine at the dollar store. I'll bet they still have some!
Jeff - Glad to entertain!
Mimi - GREAT answers..Love the "I always wear my crown"!!
Glad it's just music you hear in your head. ;)
Why Jodi..thank you.
Trish - Well....
I do agree on your craving for a boyfriend that can cook. I am a disaster in the kitchen! LOL.
I know why you fight with Blogger! I have been trying to leave you a comment for two days, and each time I'm stymied by Blogger saying the connection "timed out." Oh well, I'm here now, so here goes. I loved your responses to sing and dance, and, since I pride myself at winning at Scrabble too, so I hope if we ever find ourselves sitting across the board from one another, I hope you leave the crown at home. I would find it intimidating.
(Thanks for visiting my meme's.)
Wapsicle - But you always have popsicles....
Gal - Don't be intimidated by the crown. I'd love to play Scrabble with you! I've been getting the "timed out" thing too and it's driving me batty. I like your blog too! I shall visit more frequently.
I loved this...truly. And what do I do for blog blast? Anything in particular? Wow are quite something my friend.
Ev - I miss you. Email forthcoming...
You're the best, Mimi!
Ferd Thank you my friend!
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