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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Band Meme In a Box! Want one?

How's the band tonight?
Feel free to grab the code for this scroll box at the bottom of this post. The Band Meme plays on.
Add links as you wish! You can change colors and font to match your blog.
I will add band memes to this master list as I get them.

The Band Meme

Band memers: Linda at Are We There Yet?, Sandee at Comedy Plus , Mimi Lenox at Mimi Writes, Bands That Rock - EDog's Everything Page Bond's Big Leather Couch , Crazy Working Mom , Coffee2Go , Hammer , Julie's Jewels and Junque , Lyn's Last Minute Life , Speedcat Hollydale Page, Knit For Joy , Gill's Jottings, Lee at Tarheel Ramblings, Jamie from Duward Discusssions, Maggie Moo Talks2U, My View Of It, Colin at Life, Work of the Poet, Mauigirl's Meanderings, Lori from Hahn At Home, The Painted Veil, Dixie's Heart and Soul, Anndi's Luggage, Monday Morning Power, Peanut, Peanut Butter Jelly2! , Asara's Mental Meanderings, Mr. Lance Solitary Views, Diary of a Heretic, Kids, Cats, & Books - Nola Dawn, Observations From the Back 40, Late Bloomer Boomer , My Dogs Keep Me Sane - Misty Dawn, Random Autumness, Foxxfyrre's Honk 'n Hollr, Screw Perfection, Olga, The Traveling Bra, Trav's Thoughts, Andrena Getting a Grip on Grace, Blog-Blond, Lowdown From Lois, Everything and Nothing , Writer Cramps, Friday Night Fish Fry, Butchy and Snickers,
Copy and paste this code into your blog or sidebar. It may be resized to fit your needs.

 Thanks Mel at Monday Morning Power! for the scroll box code.

What posted on Mimi Writes
one year ago today? Bachelor of The Day


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i'm still down here mimi! there is no cake. there are spiders. there is a mouse. it is cold and damp and pretty dark. (i don't WANT to do a band meme!!!)

smiles, bee

Mimi Lenox said...

Bee - You are so rebellious. Bee HAS to have a band meme. OK. OK. I'll do it for you. But don't you tell anybody I did it!

Prisoners can be so difficult to deal with these days.

Sandee said...

Empress Bee is rebellious, but in a good way. She needs cake Mimi. Really she does.

I just stole all your hard work here. It's in my side bar and also on a back dated post. Thanks. I think this was one of the most fun memes I've ever done. Have a great day. Is stealing stuff from your blog okay? Just trying to save you extra work. :)

LAC said...

I did it!
My first stolen meme from the Queen.

Can I get the code for the cool box, too?


Ingrid said...

I was tagged by Sanni and had a lot of fun in doing it ! So now I don't know how I can see all the other participants ? I would like the scroll box too. Thanks very much it was a great idea. My link is

Sugarqueensdream said...

I did the band Meme Mimi~~
and I would love the code!

Deana said...

Shoot...I guess I was supposed to send you the link. Mine was up Monday..not great but done and linked back here to you.

Joy0z said...

Whew! Please take a look at this page Band Meme as I was one of the victim. Spend two days with this because I got freaky connection loading flickr. Very challenging!

Barbara said...

Hi Mimi,
I'am late with this...
If I can ever get to master Paint,and make myself a correct cover than, it would be my pleasure.

Anonymous said...

I added the other band members to my post. :)

What a fun idea. Thanks for all of your hard work, Mims.

Unknown said...

I posted this in my sidebar and want to play. I haven't yet. But, I want to, and I will. Thx for putting this together - looks like a lot of fun!

SandyCarlson said...

My favorite meme yet! Please add me to the list. Mine is here:

Writing in Faith: Thoughts

Greatfullivin said...

Fabulous meme. I have played along please add me to the master list!

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