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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday Blog Chatter Part Two: Grand Doctors, Grand Rounds

Have you had your checkup lately?

Doctor Anonymous, famed for his ingenious Blogaholics Anonymous idea, is once again on the cutting edge of an exciting proposition. He has been asked to host Grand Rounds. If you are not in the medical blog inner circle and don't know what this is, never fear! Mimi is here to explain and or at least point you in the direction thereof.

Note: Sunday Blog Chatter is in three separate posts today. Don't miss part one re: AngelDust/art and part three on the wacky world of dating.
Simply click the links below and find out what the excitement is about. Grand Rounds is not only for the medical community. The dear doctor makes that clear in his recent posts and invites all of us to participate. I've read some of the previous discussions and it really is a great opportunity to learn and be a part of what most of us have long considered the "secret society of doctors." Bwaaahaahaahaaa........

Here's the scoop as explained by the good doctor himself:
Intro to Grand Rounds
What is Grand Rounds?
How YOU can make submissions and participate in Grand Rounds and why you should

Congratulations to Doctor Anonymous! Your new and enthusiastic host! Please visit Doc today and tell him Mimi sent you. I, for one, need a serious dose of a certain 12-step meeting.  My blogging addiction is not a pretty picture. "My name is Mimi and I am a blog addict." Feel better already.

P.S. Doctor Anonymous also submitted a mean meme with a Halloween theme once for my Halloween Meme Central site. If you completed a spooky meme this year please send it to me so that I can update the site. Thanks!

1 comment:

Dr. A said...

Thanks so much for the plug. I'm planning for a big party Tuesday.

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