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Friday, September 23, 2016

The Queen's Meme ~ The Hodgepodge Meme

The Queen's Meme ~ 7 Questions on a Saturday
The Hodgepodge Meme

1. Do you have a favorite chair in your home?
 Why is it your favorite place to sit?

2. You've been given a billboard space on the highway of life. What is the ONE word you'd place on the billboard to describe your life right now?

3. Do you own a string of pearls?

4.  Whose initials would you carve on a tree? 

5.  Could you go without your cellphone for an entire day?

6.  If you could pre-install an app on every human being born today, what would that built-in app be?

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Cat. said...

I'm in, here.

Have a splendid weekend!

The Gal Herself said...

I meme'd.

Mimi Lenox said...

Cat - Your meme was great! I came. I read. I laughed.

Gal - And so you did. You are the meme queen this weekend!

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