The What Not Meme ~ Not That I Have Any Experience With That
Sometimes serious.
Always fun!
Step out of the box.
Be creative.
Use your imagination.
No one's answers are quite like yours
It’s your turn to be the expert. Answer what NOT to do in the following situations. It’s your spin on potential societal blunders (and a few quirky scenarios you might find yourself in). You didn't think I'd leave my quirk home now did ya?
Have at it.

1. On a first date
Tell him you have a blog. (not that I have any experience with that)
See question #22
OR talk about your ex. Pretend you just escaped from nunnery.
It’s safer to talk about the sex lives of nuns than your ex.
2. Intoxicated
I can count on one finger the times that has happened. So I’ll hazard a guess and say….drive.
3. In the shower
4. At your ex’s wedding
Talk about your ex. Pretend you just escaped from the winery.
5. In jail
Talk about your ex. Just pretend he is in a witness protection program.
6. Being stalked
Tell someone you’re being stalked. It’s usually the stalker.
Not that I have any experience with that.
7. Stuck to an igloo
Forget to file your taxes. You could be there a while.
8. In sewing class
Forget that pesky nine stitch. It's really annoying to have to unravel an entire afghan just to sew the 10th one to save time.
9. Asleep in a helium balloon
10. At a birthday party for twins
Go cheapo and give one twin the actual gift and the other twin the batteries
Cover it with sand. Maybe it likes being nude.

12. At the opera
Fall asleep. **note** This actually happened to my dad. He fell asleep in the first act of Gianni Schicchi. He told me he woke up to see me perform in the 2nd portion of the performance but I wonder……He looked very rested.
I swear I heard a snore in the intermission.
13. you’re falling in love
Hold back. Life is too short.
14. Low on gasoline in a bad part of town
Get out and stand on the street corner
15. Having a b

Curse your husband. Not that I have any experience with this. Ahem.
16. On fire
Blow dry your hair
17. Lost at the mall
Leave your car in a towaway zone. Not that I have any experience with this
18. At a single’s dance
Look single.
19. Riding a bike on the Jersey Turnpike
Miss a toll. You’ll be caught for sure!
20. Driving your significant other’s car
Don’t talk about your ex! Voice recorders in those toll booths ya know….
21. Being robbed at gunpoint
Try to reason with the gun
22. Kissing
Talk. I’m famous for that. (Just ask the parking lot kisser. He actually told me to shut up -but it was kinda cute the way he said it) Where did I put that guy anyway? I hope he's not reading this tonight. See question #1.

23. Paying the hotel cashier
Mention the extra pair of socks you found in the bed - that weren't yours.
24. Buying lingerie
Take your mother along
25. Commenting on a blog
If it’s a cute guy don’t pretend you are a real Queen to be funny. Not that I have any experience with this. And for glory’s sake don’t mention someone stole your diaries. It comes back to haunt you.
26. In Mimi’s dungeon
Don’t try to brainwash Homer with mutiny and escape plans. He tells me everything.
Uh huh. I know about that too.