10-9-8-7-6 ... The Countdown Meme
Update Thursday nite: Out of the dungeon! Speedy, Lois, ......
10 - 9- 8 - 7 - 6.....
I saw this meme over at Shannon's Moments of Introspection. She found it at Multifaceted Mama who pilfered it from Life Is Nothing Without Friends who frankly stole it from Freaky Poptart's Meme Obsession and lucky you, it's landed in the meme Queen's castle.
I just hope my blog doesn't blow up when it counts down to zero.
And I am so tagging. You don't want to be in the dungeon for Christmas, now do you?
That would not be cool.
I cheated. A little.
TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now:
01. Hi to my creepy daily stalker. My life would be incomplete without you. Smooch!
02. I can't believe you forgot my birthday.

03. Stop staring at my chest.
04. I sense you need a back rub and a kiss. I'm on my way.
05. I am so tired of your BS. I know you dislike me, why do you pretend otherwise?
06. Stop staring at my chest.
07. Stop trying to fix me up with your nincompoop brother.
08. You are a complete knucklehead man but I love you anyway.
09. I really should charge you for all this free therapy.
10. Goodnite to my creepy daily stalker. (You know who you are and so do I. Must you visit me 25x a day? If you need to know something, just ask.)
NINE things about yourself:
01. I broke my tailbone when I was eight. It still hurts sometimes.
02. I like the lights on. (In the DARK! Get your mind out of the gutter)
03. I hate beets and rutabaga. They taste like food from an alien planet. Maybe they are.
04. I am introspective and crave solitude
05. Sometimes I get lonely
06. I've never dyed my hair
07. I hate drinking from a straw
08. I still have a piggy bank (just in case)
09. I love love love to drive

EIGHT ways to win your heart: (Psst! I cheated on #7)01. Let me steal the covers. Getting them back is so much fun.
02. Light some candles
03. Touch my hair when you kiss me. It makes my knees go weak.
04. Dance with me in the kitchen
05. Take care of yourself. It matters to me. (and never wear flannel)
06. Make me laugh
07. Treat me like a lady and act like a man
07a. Understand that I don't need you to "fix it"...I just need you to listen.
07b. Be assertive. I like to be chased.
07c. Respect my brain and have one of your own.
08. Occasionally call my bluff. I can take it.
SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:
01. I miss romancing to music

02. Where are my slippers and fuzzy socks?
03. I hope there is French Vanilla creamer in the fridge
04. Did I misspell that word?
05. I need to get some sleep tonight
06. I really need to stop thinking about that and/or I can't get that stupid song out of my head
07. I need
SIX things you do before you fall asleep:
01. Brush my teeth02. Wash and moisturize my face
03. Brush my hair 50 strokes
04. Do sit ups and stretches yada yada and take my calcium
05. Thank God for this day
06. Tell Homer to stop whining. Did I tell you he snores?
Now for the fun part.... Oh ye little Dungeon Dodgers you. I, Mimi Queen of Memes, do royally tag Ferd, Sandee, Vodka Mom, Autumn, Julie, Summer, Lizza, Lois, Jean-Luc, Linda, Summer, Bond, Barbara, Ciara, Tulip, Eric, Bee, Katherine,
Travis, and Anndi (maybe it will help her feel better).
Enjoy! Tag at will.
Travis, and Anndi (maybe it will help her feel better).
Enjoy! Tag at will.
My Bachelor of The Day

Not so fast, Missy...Look again.
I'll get this done before Christmas. I don't want to spend the holidays in Bloggingham dungeon...unless you'll be providing eggnog and the other trappings of a Christmas feast?
High five on your 7, 7a, 7b, and 7c answers. I so agree.
And a BIG HUG to you, Mims.
awwww c'mon....geeez.
my name wasn't there before...
And WHERE is YOUR Bookworm Meme??? EH???
You'll be joining us, I've talked to the trolls... there's a very special cell for you...
I wonder if your stalker knows my stalker LOL
No drinking from a straw? How do you move smoothies from outside you to inside you? That's impossible without using a straw. Unless you LET ICE TOUCH YOUR TEEEEETH!!!!!
oh no!!! oh well...
smiles, bee
I sort of had a stalker once. It was pretty weird.
Okay, okay, okay. :)
Hey now, I'm a bit freaky, but 'creepy' is pushing it. I'm sorry. I'll try just visiting you 20x a day. 'K?
I totally get your point on the 'stealing the covers' . The Man has learned that's not always a bad thing. ;)
Stop staring at my chest is one I think often or "look me in the eye not at my chest!"
Thanks for playing along Mimi! Did you beat "you know who"?
Yikes this is a huge time consuming one. I hate those kind. Just saying. Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)
Mimi, that's a bit hefty. I'll see what I can do, but no promises. I'm a busy Captain!
Lizza - I will be serving Chardonnay and warming up the hot tub. Just sayin...
Katherine - Of course it was...didn't you see it? Bwaahhaaahaa!
Anndi - Actually when I started my post yesterday I was looking for the bookworm meme and intended to do it. Then I got sidetracked with this one...I promise it's next. Please don't send me to my own dungeon.
I'm afraid of rats.
Lois - ooohhh...I'll be right over.
Sweet Cops Wife - Stranger things have happened let me tell ya. And thanks for "following me"...I'll do the same!
Margo - Spoons, dear. Spoons. No ice on teeth. Yuk.
Bee - And that's too bad. I'm sure it would have been very funny.
Charles - It can get a whole lot weird let me tell ya!
Summer - Now you're talking sense. Did you see that people??!
That looks difficult, I'm glad you didn't tag me! :(
Poptart - The stalker is not you. I should be glad he's (?) pushing my statistics up I guess.
I noticed that you added me to your sidebar. Thank you. I shall do the same.
Right. The covers thing. If they only knew what they were missing....ahem...
Shannon - It makes me angry when it happens and I just wanna say something. It's soooo rude and lecherous and yukky and slimy and rude..did I say rude? Condescending..awful...OK I'll stop. Just one of my pet peeves.
I'm not sure if I beat him or not. But the day is still young....bwwahhaahhaa...
I crack myself up.
Sandee and Jean-Luc - It does require some thought and time. No worries. I know you are both crazy busy!
P.S. Tags are always optional and no one should feel any pressure.
Interesting and a bit scary. I am up to the challenge...
Bud - Scary? In what regard?
I hate beets, too. Never tried rutabaga. I have a piggy bank that I cash out for ASPCA when it's full.
I miss being kissed period. Poor Hubby doesn't do that.
I'm not good @ having a bedtime routine...
Oh, btw, mine's up! No dungeon for me! Ha ha! ;P
Akelamalu - Are you sure I didn't tag you? Are you suuuurrre??
Autumn - Tell hubby you need a kiss. Tell him I said so. Does he know about the dungeon?? Hmmmmm???
Hrmm. I love beets! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE driving as well!
Starr - Beets. My mother made me eat them when I was a little girl. Just hate 'em. And really. What can you do with 'em? They just lie there and look pretty and red.
And driving...yeah...relaxing and better than therapy. Does that make me weird? I seriously love it. But not like Richard Petty or anything.
I just mentioned NASCAR on my blog. The world is coming to an end.
What is wrong with me?
Well if you are weird I am weird. Driving is what I do for entertainment. I have favorite drives. Heck last weekend? I took 26 to the beach, to Astoria and then took HWY 30 back through to Portland. 150 miles for no reason other than to drive and listen to music and drink coffee. It's one of the few ways I can get my brain to slow down.
For a second I thought you said you took 26 people to the beach. K. Now I get it and I sooo get the "slowing my brain down" thing. If I could just pretend I'm driving as I try to go to sleep it could cure my insomnia.
Oh my gosh! This is a long one. But I'll give it a try. I just need a few days to make time for it.
Thanks for the tag!
Trav - You're the only one (almost) who didn't grumble and mumble about this tag. I'm beginning to feel so unloved. What's a Queen to do?
But I do always expect you to be a gentleman. No surprises there.
Great meme, and great answers, Mimi!
I didn't have anything to do tonight, so I did the meme. No dungeon for me!!!
Christmas in the dungeon, eh? Hmmm ... that would get me out of decorating and buying presents and wishing I had someone to share the holiday with as I'd be there with the other tag-dodgers and ...
Oh, okay ... I'll do it but it may take me a little while! I'll have to forward this to my work email and work on it there without the IT guy's knowledge.
The Eight Ways to Win My Heart is going to be tricky, though as I think I have forgotten ...
Oh I just loved your answers. I especially liked the "EIGHT ways to win your heart"...excellent answers.
Travis - Seriously, don't feel like you have to do this meme. It is long and we are all so busy this time of year.
Ferd - I shall be by to read it. Great! How was your trip? Can I call the two of you Carolinians now?
Linda - You'll think of something I'm sure. Have a good weekend, Linda.
Meleah - Why thank you. I'm glad you liked it. How was your vacation?
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