Crazy Sam's Saturday 9 ~ Would You Take Them Back?
Crazy Sam at the meme site, Saturday 9, wants to talk about cars, exes, TVs and celebrities. My answers (some cheeky, some true) are as follows. Unless I took the fifth...
1. Think of all your exes. Would you take any of them back?
The question is would they take ME back?
Read my lips: D-I-V-O-R-C-E is a final decree like death and taxes. No turning back. All kidding aside, my ex-husband and I do get along quite well and are friends. It's the only way. I spent half my life with this man. Why would I want to carry around twenty-six years of ill will towards someone I once cared for and more importantly, is the father of my only child? Reconciliation and forgiveness can come after a divorce - in a good way - if you work on it yourself. It really doesn't matter what the other person does. It's worth the effort.
Cheeky approaching: Boyfriends are another story. What was the question?
Oh. Would I take any of them back?
Yes. I would take them back to the gypsy's carnival tent. The $20.00 to have our futures read would have saved me a lot of time I tell ya. (bwwaahhaahhhaa)
2. What was the first car you drove? What happened to it?
The first car I drove was a white Ford Station Wagon. What a hot car that was. Her name was "Bertha" and she belonged to my grandfather, who let me drive big Bertha to school because I hated the big yellow bus. Actually, Bertha drove me. True story: I had to sit on a big yellow telephone book to see over the steering wheel. I'd forgotten about that until just now.
3. What’s the longest amount of time you have driven a car non-stop?
True story. I once drove 700 miles for a first date on New Year's Eve that lasted four days and five nights only to find that he was a certifiable lobster killer. It was a sad day for lobsters everywhere.
4. Have you ever been stood up on a date? If yes, when?
Oh please. Who would stand up a Queen?
5. What TV network do you watch the most?
TV stations have networks? You mean like the internet? I watch so little TV this is a tough question. But if I did, I'd watch re-runs of The Dating Game. I'd forgotten until recently just how much game is in the game. Somebody stop this ride. I want to get off.
P.S. I have an entire website devoted to dating. It's not for the faint-hearted if you're single, but good for a laugh. And it keeps me constantly interested in becoming a nun....
6. Pick out a song you like that has special meaning to you. Share with us what song is it, and what’s the meaning to you.
Hold on. Let me consult the cosmos. I just can't get this question off of my mind....
The crystal ball lady just told me to pass on this answer.
I have deep respect for her wisdom.
Ergo, I pass.
Davy Jones of The Monkees in 1972. I was in deep love.

I'm still waiting.
9. It has been said, "First Loves Are Never Over." Is this true for you?

Oh Fiddle Dee. I'll think about that tomorrow....
Meanwhile, I'll just keep kissing the mirror.
Psst!! A little birdie told me on her blog today that someone is having a birthday. It was a well kept secret...UNTIL NOW!

Best wishes to my blog friend. Please go over and wish her a happy birthday at Twisted Sister.
Have some cake. It's really OK to eat it.
I didn't cook it.
Have you seen Davy Jones lates? There was a photo of him in the paper the other day, he's got moobs (manboobs)! Sorry if I've shattered any illusions. x
The first car I drove was a big yellow Impala with a white roof, probably about 76. It was a boat.
I don't watch romantic comedies.
I'm not sure I've ever had a crush on a celebrity. I thought Jacqueline Smith was very good looking.
Thank you for sharing your blog entry with me! Loved it... I especially loved the "visual aids". :)
What a coincidence. I absolutely LOVE 'Same Time Next Year'. The performances and music is brilliant.
I loved the newly wed game and I still have music of the Monkees.
I can't believe my eyes! A cake with my name on it! You are the best :D
Twenty one sounds good to me... my mother always said she was 29... I never questioned her!
And my favorite answer to the meme...
" Oh please. Who would stand up a Queen?"
Thank you Mimi! {{HUGS}}
Akelamalu - You just made me lose my lunch. All that mirror kissing was wasted! Wasted I say!
Charles - You drove a big yellow boat? Not likely something the neighborhood would forget now, is it? Bwahaahaa...You should have seen the stares I got in the white Ford Station Wagon. It was such an "in" car.
Paula - I try to be helpful.
Jean-luc - Same Time, Next Year is credibly true to life about relationships. Most people won't admit it though.
Queen - I used to watch it a lot when I was first married many moons ago. Now, the dating game is so much more fun...without the games of course.
Dawn - Of course a cake without your name on it! Queen does not lie. I stated your true age....I should know. I've been twenty-one at least twice.
Loved all of your answer for #1!!
Somebody stand the Queen one would dare. Hehehehe. Love it!
I LOVE the movie "Same Time Next Year". I haven't seen it in a few years but love it all the same. I can't believe I forgot to list that one! I guess it was all that working on command stuff.
Great answers as usual Mimi! Enjoy your weekend!
PS...Yes, I am Elvis fan extraordinarre...Love the man! Guess the tat gives that away. hehehe
"Fifty First Dates" was about a woman who got into a car accident and could not remember anything after one day.
So, could not remember her boyfriend and each day was like a new first date.
Jodi - It is a wonderful movie and not sooo far-fetched from real life.
Diana - That sounds tempting....
You nuts. You drove a long way to watch lobsters killed. You could watched them on You Tube. Davey Jones? You must have been a believer!
Bud - But I would have missed the 4 days and 5 nights.....
I had to laugh about what you said about the furtuneteller. LOL!
Mine are up
Have a great weekend!
Ahhh, Davy Jones. He was dreamy. And that accent.
Have a great weekend!
Laane - It is sooo true.
Kwiz - At the time, yes, he was cute. Not so much anymore!
Your Majesty,
One doesn't "cook" cake, one bakes it! Oh my, I thought you would know that.
I've never kissed the mirror. Maybe that's where I went wrong in my youth...
I preferred Mickey Dolenz back then. My first celeb crush was Paul McCartney, if you were wondering.
I also loved "Same Time, Next Year."
I haven't been by in a while, I shall catch up, Your Highness.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Cute answers hehehe :)
Patti - Of course I know that. You bake a cake. You cook a goose. Right?
I've missed you but I so understand. I am behind on yours as well.
Love to you, my friend.
Shey - Thanks for visiting mine! I love Saturday 9 questions.
I love this shit. Let's see....Mine was Mickey Dolenz; drove a vw beetle with holes in the floor; loved Romancing the Stone; and married my first love (after many disastrous relationships...)
now, let's have a drink.
Vodka mom - I've seen holes in the floors as well. You married your FIRST love after many disastrous relationships?
Forget the drink! Let's talk!
I feel that standing up the Queen would be very bad indeed. Off with their heads?!
Shannon - Really!
GREAT answers!
Happy weekend!!!
I enjoy reading your answers specially #4. Thanks for the comment. Happy Weekend. . .
Coffee Slut - Thanks. So were yours!
Kristine - Thanks for visiting!
had a good laugh with your answers! thanks ~ the visual aid was great too.
i've never watched that movie..maybe i'll dig it up.
Enjoy the weekend.xo
mommievan - It's a great movie. Do that. And thanks for visiting.
I hated riding the big yellow bus too, and would get all my older friends with cars to take me with them to school (in Mississippian, that would be "carry me to school"). Drove Mom batshit. Have a great weekend, MiMi.
I'll have to put Same Time, Next Year on my list, thanks.
Maybe I should have put "Gone With the Wind" as my favorite romantic comedy. :)
Nurse - We said "carry to school" as well...southern thing...
Trish - Gone With The Wind...comedy...ha!
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