Dona Nobis Pacem ~ Merry Christmas Papa (UPDATED! yet again) I think I saw Santa.
which brought me the blessing of peace.
My gift to you......Beautiful bloggers singing Peace on Earth in unison (and adding more to the list throughout the day) The following blogs have posted Dona Nobis Pacem on this Christmas Eve, 2006. What do Mother Teresa and Jimmi Hendrix have in common? And what is SGT DUB doing on Christmas Eve in Afghanistan? Lands Sake! Those cats are at it again....Find out below. Scroll down for some unbelievable globes.
Lizza, from I Am Woman, See Me Blog!, wrote a compelling piece on the state of affairs in the Philippines on Christmas Eve. Her globe is beautiful and her sentiments real.
Self-described cynic The Dragon 050376 (AKA Kiyotoe) lays it out honest and real. I applaud his stark opinion and invitation to 'Pay It Forward'.....He writes, " I know it's not a cynical answer but I believe it's possible if that one person is able to touch just one other person who in turn touches someone else and so on and so on. Eventually we should all get the picture right? So even cynics can be moved to show optimism.........One person at a time, one blogger at a time, bringing their share of PEACE to the world. And that's the best a cynic like me can hope for.
Rhys aka Reeholio over at A World of Bloggers wrote an informative post describing what Christmas is like in New Zealand. His site and philosophy on international unity influenced and inspired me while I was planning BlogBlast For Peace in November. He is a terrific supporter of bloggers all around the world and has a Peace Globe Gallery in his sidebar. Merry Christmas to you, Rhys!
Bud is playing Stevie Wonder and hanging groovy Christmas stockings. His globe is up and his blog is full of funnies. I think he put me in the Christmas spirit!
The CATS are at it again. Skeezix the Cat is dressed in a green and red elf hat and standing in a twinkling snowstorm. He's one serious blogblaster.

I think he should run for office.
Vinny Bond Marini, on the Big Leather Couch, sent holiday wishes throughout the world and a blessing for the troops overseas.
Empress Bee (Muffin53) has her globe flying and lovely pictures of a recent cruise with her family. That's what Christmas is all about!
A blogger boo boo didn't stop Cathy from blogging about peace. Best wishes on her recent marriage and congratulations on the birth of a new grandson this season.
And As the World Turns (so to speak!) we have Turnbaby's beautiful tribute to her sister, Laura.
Turnbaby has interesting friends. She's made a Christmas Peace Globe for the Soul Patrol and written about our fundamental desire for peace in the world.
Gebt uns Frieden from my lovely friend in Germany. Sanni at Coffee2Go wrote a stunning Dona Nobis Pacem piece today. Bob Geldof's "Do They Know It's Christmas?"is perfect. Always substance and beauty at Sanni's place. My favorite quotes from her site are from Mother Teresa and Jimmi Hendrix. They both knew what they were talking about....."If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."--Mother Teresa
and "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."-- Jimmi Hendrix
Pax vobiscum
Dr. Anonymous promotes peace by showing the You Tube version of Band Aid's Do They Know It's Christmas? It is Doc's 50,000th traffic count. Amazing in such a short time. Merry Christmas and thanks for being a Peace Globe groupie.
From Glascow, Scotland ~ TopChamp from Bad Jokes and Oven Chips displays a lovely globe and answers Annelisa's Christmas meme. Click over and welcome TopChamp to our project and wish her a Merry Merry. Come on, people. Spread some cheer. TC is using her peace globe for a profile pic. What a great idea (I think she stole it from Annelisa)
Blue Country Magic, a site in Virginia, put together a Peace Pic collage

Sonny Bee aka Sweet Like Kitty (Germany) has posted sweet sentiments and thoughts that made me think and be grateful"
....."When you sit around your festive decorated Christmas Tree and unwrap the presents,
don't forget them who don't have even a Tree to decorate." Take a look at this globe. Too adorable. Please also read Sonny's special Christmas site! -
SGT DUB in Kabul, Afghanistan reports snow on Christmas Eve, 2006. What is he doing? Watching Afghans sell twinkling Christmas trees on Flower Street. You heard me right, folks. He writes, "It is a marvel unto itself in such a war-torn country. May they continue in their freedoms." His post today is a must-read - on gratitude, family and his thoughts about his place in this war. So go wish a soldier Merry Christmas and thank him for his work. Stay safe SGT. Your blogger friends wish you peace and joy.
United Kingdom's Annelisa, author of Words That Flow, whose photographs helped launch the last BlogBlast For Peace has come up with a delightful globe for Christmas. She is using it as her profile pic. When you visit Annelisa's site you're always treated to her breathtaking pictures - and I'm not exaggerating - they're that good. Take a look. She has a new slideshow. Merry Christmas, Annelisa. I hope Santa is good to you.
Don't ya love these cats? Fat Cat In a Box (aka Tiggerprr) over at Tiggerprr's Scratching Post is displaying a very nice globe and words of hope.
The luxurious life of a little black cat named Eclair? Interesting.....WOW. What a beautiful and complex Peace Globe. I'm impressed!

Quoting Pope John Paul II.... "To reach peace, teach peace." Dixiechick's blog is just delightful. Her globe is up and she has a link that will let you send a thank you to the troops. Thanks, Dixie and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Tammy - Kentucky Gal - has a gorgeous site decorated with "It's a Wonderful Life" - You must see it! Her post Peace on Christmas Eve includes this quote, which I love...."Let us love the world to peace.~Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994
Elaine from South By West is excited about Peace Globes. She writes, "..inside our hearts these Peace Globes seem to have taken up permanent residence... " I couldn't have said it better.
Missy, KC and Bear are cute kitties who know how to blog for peace. I'm always totally blown away by the cats! Click here for their puuurfectly wonderful post on peace.
Diana from All Things True To Me writes a beautiful poem on peace. You can read it here.
Oh dear. I just heard jingling on my roof. I think it's Santa with more Peace Globes. Just what I asked for!
I've been such a good girl. Even in my pencil skirt.
If you don't see yours in this post or on the slide yet, you will.....adding more and more......stay tuned......Santa left a bundle of Peace Globes. (Whew! I thought it might be switches)
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My peese globe is up:
Yer frend in peese,
Skeezix the Cat
My Peace Globe is up but seeing yours I gotta go add more. I love this idea. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
The magic continues!
Merry Christmas to you and yours,
P.S.: We are peaceful as well =) Pax Vobiscum, Queen Mimi!
My globe is up. Merry Christmas!
I've put one up too. Season of peace & goodwill etc etc.
Merry Christmas.
My globe is up now, too. Peace be with you and may you find much grace in the new year.
Added a couple more and a link!
My peace globe is up:
Hoping for a peaceful Christmas for everyone.
My peace globe is up:
Dona Nobis Pacem
Merry Chrismtas to you and yours!
Hugs with Love from Germany,
Sweet like Kitty
Sonny's Xmas
Mimi, Thank you for brightening my day each night as I wind down my day here in Afghanistan by reading your blog. May you have a very special Merry Christmas.
Brand spanking new Peace Globe up at
Merry Christmas :)
Merry Krismus to yoo an all thoz yoo luv an cherish. My peese globe is up on my blog too.
Merry Christmas. My peace globe is up.
Merry Christmas
Both Luxor and I have added our peace globes to those already up. Peace on Earth!
May 2007 bring out the best in all of us!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Mimi. Thanks for everything you do for the world. :)
Merry Christmas, mimi! Like turnbaby, I think I need to add something to my globe to make it more Christmas-y. In any case, a lovely post and so evocative of the true spirit of the season.
I found it bellow - I was looking above - in the scrawlies...
Peace, love, joy, laughter and many blessings to you and all
Hi Mimi,
Our Peace Globe is up for Missy, KC and Bear.
Merry Christmas...
My peace globe is up , and thank you so much for the opportunity. Please see it here
Merry Christmas to all. Your Peace Globes look marvelous. I've mentioned your sites and snippets from your Christmas articles in the post above. Thanks for flying the globes. Santa brought a sleigh full of them to my house today.
Peace and joy to you and yours.
Dona Nobis Pacem.
Mimi..such a lovely thought..just a short post for me..however it is all about peace ..not just the hope..but actual real peace someday..if peopele such as yourself keep rallying us to keep it front and center it will you Mimi, Merry Christmas..and peace to all..m
Oh, Mimi, it's lovely! I wasn't sure that a whole lot of people would get involved, being a busy time of the year an'all, but it looks like a lot of effort's going into all the globes this Christmas (warms your heart, doesn't it!)
(by the way TopChamp is definately female!!! :-D She's only just removed her piccie of her playing the trumpet to put up the peaceglobe...
I'll be back to have a proper peruse of all the globes when I'm not in the middle of cooking Christmas dinner!
and Peace to you all!!!
You're doing it again...afflicting us with the peace bug. Thank you!!! :-)
I hope you're having a good, peaceful Christmas, you lovely woman.
Better late than never, mines up!
stealing from Annelisa.. as if! (often do this - she's just too clever for her own good)
Hope you're having a great Christmas. Only meant to log on for a minute whilst waiting to try out a computer game with my fella... run out of films and good tv.
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