
Wednesday, May 22, 2019


One day soon.....
when I am ready to talk about the gloves....and the dolls.....
and the handkerchiefs...
maybe the bits and pieces of herself 
that she left behind

will become a whole story

and I can understand
the lace
and the spaces between

My Mama
April 1938 - April 2019

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  1. Mimi, I am so sorry. I look forward one day to the story which will allow me to know your mother as i know your father and grandfather. Such big loves, such big losses. When we grieve one, we grieve them all. The absence becomes a presence that we learn to accommodate within. And the tears....oh, the tears. We never knew we had so many unshed tears inside us. Whole rivers. Thinking of you.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your loss.

    Sending you 'love & hugs' xx

  3. Thank you All.
    Sherry - I aim to tell that story.
    Thank you.

  4. So sorry for your loss. I lost my mom and my best friend in 2018. I know how much she meant to you. I will have a good thought for both of you...

  5. Thank you, Bud.
    I am so sorry about your mom and close friend. I'm sure that was very hard on you. I appreciate your thoughts ~ Mimi

  6. Hey dear... I have no idea how long it has been since I have even looked at my blog... and here you are.

    We have traded some messages... we each have had such changes in the past year...

    Much love to you... always...


  7. Shoes ~ You and I have been through a year. It's been a looonnnggg minute. We'll catch up soon! I hope you are well.
    Love to you - Mimi


I love comments. If you talk to me, I will talk back.